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return of the ring - tip & glitch

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:55 pm
by ant
Hi there -
i dont know wether you can shed any light on an event that i stumbled across many moons ago when origionally playing this game.
At the beggining of the game when in the krell village - when in the throne room - if you type "take magic" you aquire a magic almulet which you can go and sell in the town for upto 950 credits - a useful boost. not sure if this action confuses the game at a later stage though! from recall it doesnt have a role in the game?

More importantly though, i am revisitting this game - frustratingly i cant get onto the moon. i type "ac", i confirm i want to go to the moon, then i press ctrl+L and select return3 when prompted to depress play (before pressing another key) and .... nothing.

Re: return of the ring - tip & glitch

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:26 am
by snarkhunter

As far as accessing the moon is concerned, Alastair had already shed some light on this : cf posts dated June 19, 2009, in the following topic
Alastair wrote:
snarkhunter wrote:Thanks to the link provided by Alastair yesterday, I could load this game, then start a new game. I couldn't get very far, though : after finding a transporter that did not required any pass, I pressed a key when instructed to do so, then "inserted" the 3rd part of the tape... and it loaded forever, so I eventually decided to end the emulation.

Perhaps it wasn't the proper part to insert. Anyway, I believe I wouldn't have lasted very long while out on the moon, that is, without any weapon or shield as a protection.
Leave RETURN2.CAS "inserted" as it also contains the forest moon section, then for the return trip "re-insert" RETURN2.CAS when the game tells you to press play - not when the game tells you to rewind the tape. RETURN3.CAS contains the end game.
Hope this helps...

Best regards,

Re: return of the ring - tip & glitch

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:32 pm
by Alastair
Thanks Lionel, you've saved me some cutting and pasting. :)