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sbc09 - Lennart Benschop 6809 Single Board Computer

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:09 am
by jedie
"moved" from viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4308&p=11266#p11266 :
JeeK wrote:
jedie wrote:I found there is a archive to download with GPL sources:

Very interesting stuff!

The Achive contains (C code) e.g.:
* 6809 assembler: ... bc09/a09.c
* 6809 simulator: ... bc09/v09.c
* A ROM with ASM source code. included a monitor programm: ... onitor.asm

information is in the README and LaTeX files, e.g.: ... README.txt ... /sbc09.tex

The "6809 Simulator" can also create trace files like XRoar, e.g.:
Indeed, nice work. Love it (to play around with the enclosed Forth)!

Did some work on a previous version with bugfixes (which are fixed in the current version, too).
The trace output has been reworked to make it more human readable. Several test programs has been added too.
Take a look at
Alas, the versions drifted apart over the years and I am still trying to find some time to merge them (hopefully Lennart is willing to accept my changes). ;)

Great to hear, someone else is also interested in this;)

I extracted ... bc09/sbc09 and move it into a separate repository:
There are my cosmetic changes and i have merged your archive
Then, i tried to unify copyright/license informations with origin GPL v2

Next step is IMHO to cleanup: Move files into sub directories to get a better overview.

@JeeK: I would suggest to fork my github repository and to work on github.

Re: sbc09 - Lennart Benschop 6809 Single Board Computer

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:45 am
by jedie
jedie wrote:Next step is IMHO to cleanup: Move files into sub directories to get a better overview.
I started this in a branch, see:

Re: sbc09 - Lennart Benschop 6809 Single Board Computer

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:36 pm
by JeeK
jedie wrote:"moved" from viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4308&p=11266#p11266 :

Great to hear, someone else is also interested in this;)

I extracted ... bc09/sbc09 and move it into a separate repository:
There are my cosmetic changes and i have merged your archive
Then, i tried to unify copyright/license informations with origin GPL v2

Next step is IMHO to cleanup: Move files into sub directories to get a better overview.

@JeeK: I would suggest to fork my github repository and to work on github.
Ok, fine. :) Got the repository, will try it.

Re: sbc09 - Lennart Benschop 6809 Single Board Computer

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:52 pm
by jedie
btw. your compiled version of v09 doesn't work for me. It doesn't display Welcome to BUGGY 1.0 :(

Re: sbc09 - Lennart Benschop 6809 Single Board Computer

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:19 pm
by JeeK
jedie wrote:btw. your compiled version of v09 doesn't work for me. It doesn't display Welcome to BUGGY 1.0 :(
There no guarantee that a binary works for one's environment. Take a look with file and ldd what this binary is for. On the git source repository I wouldn't enclose any binaries. This was just (maybe bad) thought that it could valuable for someone if included in my quick-and-dirty tgz archive. ;)

Re: sbc09 - Lennart Benschop 6809 Single Board Computer

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:22 pm
by jedie
Ah, yet. I forgot this ;) Yes, we should delete binaries. Or maybe it is possible to quick build binaries for different platforms? e.g.: v09-i386 and v09-amd64 etc.?

btw.: I have moved my sbc09 repository to the new "6809" group on GitHub:

If someone would like to contribute as a 6809 group member, let me know ;)