Using 64 mode BASIC when DragonDOS is present

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Using 64 mode BASIC when DragonDOS is present

Post by zephyr »

The attached program will safely detach DragonDOS before jumping to the 64K mode bootstrap routine on a Dragon 64 or Dragon 200. Use the included BASIC program (MOVE-IT) to copy the program from $0E00-$0E4C to $0200-$024C and save to disk with SAVE"REMDOS64",&H200,&H24D,&H200. It can then be quickly loaded from floppy disk and used instead of simply entering EXEC (or EXEC 48000) when you want to enter 64 mode.

An alternative method would be to enter the following in 64 mode.

Code: Select all


NOTE: You don't need to use the REMDOS64 program or the poke method to safely enter 64 mode when using Stephen J. Woolham's Enhanced Dragon 64 ROMs.

This program was written in response to this post.
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Last edited by zephyr on Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Using 64 mode BASIC when DragonDOS is present

Post by pser1 »

thanks Steve,
once saved to disk it's a great way to jump to 64K mode.
I thought there was something wrong with the ROM image I was using. In fact the Dragon200E doesn't suffer this problem.
It didn't happen with the D64 emulation ... because I am using the enhanced BASIC (SJ Woolham)
Anyway it seems it could have been controlled internally when BASIC switches to RAM map.
By the way, the first poke in the manual trick, is POKE109,59.
Does this POKE make any secondary effect? The value doesn't change, it is always $20 (the number of chars in a row, I think)
best regards
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Re: Using 64 mode BASIC when DragonDOS is present

Post by zephyr »

pser1 wrote: By the way, the first poke in the manual trick, is POKE109,59.
Sorry Pere, that first poke was a mistake. I have edited my original post to correct the error.

pser1 wrote: In fact the Dragon200E doesn't suffer this problem.
Yes, but it fails to restore the all important USR address table pointer at $00B0:00B1 to the default $0134. Because of this, it would be advisable to use my program even on the Dragon 200E.
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