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Rescue a program accidentally saved at double speed

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:05 pm
by zephyr
There are two methods which can be used to load a program which has accidentally been saved to cassette while the computer is running in the address dependent (POKE65495,0) double speed mode.

Method 1:
This method will only work if you have a CoCo or Dragon which runs reliably in true (POKE65497,0) double speed mode.

Code: Select all

Press the reset button as soon as the program has loaded.

Method 2:
This method will work with any CoCo or Dragon.


Code: Select all

POKE143,15:POKE144,20:POKE145,7:CLOAD (or CLOADM)

Code: Select all

POKE146,8:POKE147,4:POKE148,8:CLOAD (or CLOADM)