Colour Genie

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Colour Genie

Post by daelectron »

As part of another retro gaming project I have been involved in (, I decided to buy a second hand Colour Genie. I think I've picked up quite a good example - it came with 9 cassettes, a bunch of user group magazines, advertisements, original box and dealer manuals.

It seems no-one has archived any of the old Colour Genie cassettes - there's an emulator called Genieous out there: ... #resources

and this seems to be pretty error-free. And there's some nice utilities to convert WAVs of Colour Genie files to CAS files that you can then load into it.

The first cassette I picked up is the old Mysterious Adventure 1: The Golden Baton, which I'm sure many people know. It seemed to be available for every format under the sun back in the day.

I made a WAV from the tape, converted it to CAS using the utilities on the link above, booted up Genieous, attached the new CAS file. It started loading but then it crashed out with ?OM error (Out of Memory, according to the User Guide).

Does anyone have any experience with Genieous? Does this memory pop up if the file doesn't read correctly, or is it *actually* out of memory?
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Re: Colour Genie

Post by admin »

I need to check, but somewhere I have a set of CAS files for this machine.... just not sure where right now.

Found them...
(134.42 KiB) Downloaded 279 times
(391.25 KiB) Downloaded 271 times
Simon Hardy
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