Forth on Dragon

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Forth on Dragon

Post by devo »

I have been trying to find "how to" information on editing commands and usage of Dragon-specific Forth words for Dragon Forth and Tele Forth. Both look quite full implementations of Forth but editor and LIST usage - to see how a newly added word is defined - do not seem intuitive, not to me anyway. Dragon Forth is also somewhat let down by lack of blinking cursor on command line. The NDUG version of Forth (.VDK) requires DOS to run, I think, but I have not yet got the Dragon Dos cartridge to run on xroar, or on my Tano Dragon using the Drivewire 3 Dos HDBDOS.WAV which was working previously via PC sound out and Tormod's adapter. Dragon Forth loads perfectly via WAV but Tele Forth always fails, but of course, both work on xroar. WAV to real Dragon seems quite unpredictable. I found documentation on NDUG Forth. The implementation of Forth with BASIC at ... 0/mode/1up works but at only 41 words seems to lack essential key words like VARIABLE and CREATE so it seems to be limited unless one knows how expand the vocabulary using machine language.

Any Dragon Forth experts with a recommended approach here?
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Re: Forth on Dragon

Post by Alastair »

devo wrote:... but I have not yet got the Dragon Dos cartridge to run on xroar...
Put the Dragon DOS cartridge ROM in the same place as you put the Dragon ROMs. XRoar should pick up the DOS cartridge automatically, but check the documentation to make sure that the ROM has a name that XRoar recognises.
Posts: 30
Joined: Mon May 13, 2013 10:19 am
Location: Canberra, Australia

Re: Forth on Dragon

Post by devo »

Brilliant. Dragon Dos loads in XRoar as you explain and NDUG / Payne Forth .vdk works as its documentation describes. Here is the Sierpinski demo. Looks like the Forth of choice for me. Thanks again.
paynefth.png (21.6 KiB) Viewed 2643 times
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