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Dragon games on PC

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:35 pm
by 1982dragon1982
I love using old computers especially the Dragon 32 which was my first.
However, I have to admit that I don't get on with contemporary computers and for the life in me cannot work out how to play all the games listed on this webstie on PC.
I don't suppose there is a single button that I can click on to make these games work is there?


Re: Dragon games on PC

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:54 am
by Alastair
No, these games will not work on a PC, at least not directly. First you will need a Dragon emulator such as XRoar (available from though also check to see if there is a more recent version for your system, if you are using Windows then at the time of writing "" is the latest). Next you need some Dragon ROMs (see thread viewtopic.php?f=8&t=432) - the XRoar manual will tell you where the ROMs should go.

On running XRoar you should once again meet that familiar green screen, if not then check that you have put the ROM(s) in the right place, now you can download some of the old games and run them on the emulator. With XRoar use Ctrl+L to select the game file then type the command that you would use on a real Dragon (e.g., CLOAD or CLOADM if you are attempting to load a cassette image), if the game does not auto-run then again type in the command that you would on a Dragon (RUN or EXEC). You could also try XRoar's auto-load and auto-run feature by pressing Ctrl+Shift+L instead of Ctrl+L.

P.S. Just to be as explicit as possible, everything mentioned above needs to be unzipped before they can be used.

P.P.S. You can speed up XRoar by holding down the F12 key - no more waiting an age for a game to load.

Re: Dragon games on PC

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:45 am
by 1982dragon1982
Thanks Alastair, your help is greatly appreciated.
I had already looked through the available info regarding Xroar etc. I'm just having trouble getting it working - yes I am that useless with modern computers.
I'll consider your points when I go through it again. I think I'm on a steep learning curve.
Regards. Mike.