Commands to load and run software on the Dragon and CoCo

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Commands to load and run software on the Dragon and CoCo

Post by zephyr »

Information for people new to the Tandy CoCo, and Dragon computers.

Commands to load and run cassette based games and utilities:

CLOAD (Cassette Load) and RUN for BASIC programs.
CLOADM (Cassette Load Machine Code) and EXEC for Machine Code programs.

1. For most games you won't need to use EXEC, because they will start automatically when loading is complete.
2. If you are using DOS, detach it with one of the free DOS detach programs, or switch off, and remove the DOS controller cartridge.

Commands to load and run DragonDOS disk based games and utilities:

LOAD"PROGNAME.BAS" and RUN for BASIC programs.
LOAD"PROGNAME.BIN" and EXEC for Machine Code programs.

Note: Some disk based software is designed to be loaded into memory, and started, using the BOOT command.

Cartridge based games and utilities:

Cartridges must be inserted in the Dragon's cartridge port only when the computer is switched off. Switching on the computer normally starts Cartridge based software automatically.

Note: Cartridge software that doesn't auto-start for some reason can be started with EXEC49152 or EXEC&HC000.
Last edited by zephyr on Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:04 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Commands to load and run software on the Dragon and CoCo

Post by lastkill3r »

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Re: Commands to load and run software on the Dragon and CoCo

Post by rolfmichelsen »

DragonDos also supports a general RUN "filename.ext" command that works for both BASIC and machine code programs.

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Re: Commands to load and run software on the Dragon and CoCo

Post by Alastair »

Below is a Dragon primer I wrote for another site. I note that I missed out on how to start cartridges that do not auto-start, but apart from that if you can see anything that is erroneous then please point it out.


Types of Dragon

An unmodified Dragon 32 has 32 kiB of RAM, all other unmodified Dragons that were released - the Dragon 64, Dragon 200, and Tano Dragon - have 64 kiB of RAM. For compatibility purposes the 64 kiB Dragons start in Dragon 32 mode, even so, a very small number of programs written for the Dragon 32 will not work on the other computers. There are workarounds to this problem, if you are using a real (unmodified) Dragon you will have to edit the program, if you are using an emulator you can either emulate a Dragon 32 or you can use a modified Dragon 64 ROM image.

The Keyboard

Dragon's do not have a dedicated backspace/delete key, instead the left arrow key doubles as the backspace/delete key. Nor do Dragon's have a CapsLock key, to change from upper case (the default) to lower case, and vice-versa, press SHIFT and 0 (zero) together. In normal text mode, unless you have a modified Dragon, you will not see lower case letters instead you will see colour inverted text. For the majority of Dragon games you will not use lower case letters, if you find that a program will not respond to your input you may have the keyboard in lower case mode, try pressing SHIFT and 0 to see if that resolves the problem.

Dragon 64 Mode

To put a 64 kiB Dragon into Dragon 64 mode, either type

EXEC (followed by the ENTER key)

if you have just turned the computer on or issued an emulator hard reset. If you have been using the computer and do not want to switch if off then on or issue an emulator hard reset (not recommended) then type

EXEC 48000 (ENTER)

On changing into Dragon 64 mode the cursor will change to a flashing blue square. If you receive a "?FC ERROR" then you are using or emulating a Dragon 32.

Loading Cartridges

On a real Dragon switch off the computer, insert the cartridge, and switch the computer back on, the program should start automatically. For emulators, read the instructions for that emulator.

Loading Cassettes

Most games written for the Dragon were written for the Dragon 32 and came on cassette. To avoid possible problems when loading a cassette do not have a disk controller cartridge inserted (in an emulator either do not use the Dragon Disk Operating System ROM, or read the emulator's instructions on how to turn it off).

Unless the program states otherwise keep the Dragon in Dragon 32 mode. An example of where you may wish to change to Dragon 64 mode is with the Mysterious Adventures, in Dragon 32 mode you are restricted to text descriptions, in Dragon 64 mode you also get the graphics.

After inserting the cassette (read the Dragon or emulator's instructions), follow the program's loading instructions. If you have no instructions then type either


if the program is written in BASIC, or if the program is written in machine code (assembler) type


If you do not know which language the program is written in then try CLOADM, if you receive a "?FC ERROR" then you are likely attempting to load a BASIC program so rewind (or reinsert the tape image with some emulators) and try CLOAD.

If the game does not auto-run or give on-screen instructions on how to proceed, then for BASIC programs type


and for machine code programs type


There are a small number of programs where having typed CLOADM you use RUN, the Mysterious Adventures being an example, so if EXEC fails try RUN instead.

If you are having problems with any cassette program then get in contact on the forum, the program may have more complicated loading instructions than normal. For example, "Klartz and the Dark Forces" requires you to type PCLEAR 2 (ENTER) before typing CLOADM.

Loading Disks

The most common Dragon disk operating system (DDOS) was originally created by Dragon Data. The following instructions apply to this version of DDOS and its later enhancements (including SuperDOS and DOSplus ).

On a real Dragon read the instructions that came with your disk drive controller. For emulators as well as reading the emulator's instructions you must have an appropriate controller ROM. If you have set everything up correctly then on starting the computer you will be met with a message mentioning DRAGONDOS, SUPERDOS, or DOSPLUS. Again consult the relevant instructions on how to load a disk or disk image on your system. Use drive 1 unless you have instructions telling you otherwise.

If known, follow the program's loading instructions, otherwise type


If you receive a "?BT ERROR" then type


where n is the drive number (from 1 to 4 inclusive), if no number is given then the default number (unless changed) is 1. If the listing scrolls off the screen then retype the DIR command and press SHIFT and @ together to pause the listing, press any other key to continue the listing.

If you can see the program you wish to run type

RUN "n:filename.ext" (ENTER)

where filename.ext is the complete filename of the program including the full stop and extension, although in the case of filename.BAS you may omit the full stop and extension. Again, n is the drive number and if n: is omitted then the default drive is used.

If the program does not run then look for a "menu", "loader", "", or similar and run that program instead. If you still have problems then get in contact on the forum.
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Re: Commands to load and run software on the Dragon and CoCo

Post by snarkhunter »

rolfmichelsen wrote:DragonDos also supports a general RUN "filename.ext" command that works for both BASIC and machine code programs.
I'm wondering if doing this with a m/c program wouldn't keep the disk drive's motor going on forever afterwards. I just might be confusing two computers here, though.

But I really think I used to wait for the drive's led to be off before EXECing the software.

Of course, this would not apply to an emulated Dragon!
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