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ASM6809 returns an unusual error

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:31 pm
by pser1
Hello Ciaran,
I have been compiling a lot of times files for the FM77AV using ASM6809 without issues ... until today.
The message I do see on screen is that one

Code: Select all

error: data at $0FEB overlaps data at $1000
The source file I want to compile has this 'beginning'

Code: Select all

				org	$1000-21					; file header
				fcc	/FMAV01  /				; 8 chars
				fcb	$00,$00,$02,$00,$00	; fixed header values
				fcc	/XM7/						; machine string
				fcb	$00						; end of string (?)
				fdb	PLONG						; program length
				fdb	ENTRY						; program entry (beginning)
The result of the compilation is a correct listing in which I can see that there is *NO* overlapping of the 'header'
over the code that begins exactly at $1000 but much to my surprise the binary output file has only 22 bytes :o
The compiler command I issue inside a bat file is

Code: Select all

asm6809 -9 -B -v --l=%1.LST.ASM --o=%1.BIN %1.ASM
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks a lot for any hint to solve that awkward problem!

Re: ASM6809 returns an unusual error

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:47 pm
by pser1
Hi Ciaran,
sorry for bugging you one more time :-)
I found the error.
I was adding two fcb opcodes between the header and the ENTRY so there was a 'real' code overlapping :shock:
Once changed the 'false' fcb into equ, everything works just fine .. as always!

Re: ASM6809 returns an unusual error

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2024 6:46 am
by sixxie
I love it when I wake up and see a problem resolved itself ;)

Glad it's still working ok for you :)