File Formats

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Re: File Formats

Post by zephyr »

tormod wrote:In the larger view of things, lwasm and other cross-compilers for 6809 have a much larger user base than some Dragon-specific tools have. So IMHO it is better to share resources as widely as possible, use general tools like lwasm that is being used and maintained by a larger group of people when possible, and have small Dragon tools that can be combined with these. And common CoCo/Dragon tools somewhere in between there again of course. You can always make your own alias/script/batch file that does lwasm -o X && bin2cas X (you quickly end up with a makefile though*). For us who have a searchable command line history it is less of an issue to have some long complex command lines.

*) Actually a good idea to have a Makefile with just general rules for .asm -> .bin and .bin to -> cas. So you can just type "make myprog.cas"
I would much rather have the option to "output to CAS file".
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Re: File Formats

Post by sixxie »

I've updated to add the --dzip and --dunzip options. --dzip pipes the binary through dzip before writing, and --dunzip does that and also adds an autorunning dunzipping loader. Requires the dzip binary to be in your PATH.

Only tested on Linux - it uses Perl's IPC::Open2, which might not be very portable.
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