XRoar and file stderr.txt

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XRoar and file stderr.txt

Post by pser1 »

Hi Ciaran,
I see that XRoar is not creating/updating the file stderr.txt as it did in previous versions
In that file I could find the starting up files it had used ... to track errors.
I work with Window$, and I have not found this filename in my harddisk.
Has it changed the name? or is there any way of getting that 'old' info?

thanks beforehand
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Re: XRoar and file stderr.txt

Post by pser1 »

I have checked the date of that file ...
The last time it was modified was in ... August, 3rd, 2015

I am using right now "XRoar v0.33.1-2015-33312 w64" and
testing older versions, going backwards, I have found the first that updates this file
to be this one:
XRoar v0.33.1-2015-23382 w64
maybe this could help ...

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Re: XRoar and file stderr.txt

Post by sixxie »

Oh, that was an artifact of SDL that got fixed with SDL2 (I think stderr now goes to the console like it should). Didn't think anyone would miss it! I'll see about an option...
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Re: XRoar and file stderr.txt

Post by pser1 »

Hello Ciaran,
This is what the user sees (in windows) when starting a bat file that calls xroar:
XRoar start screenshot small.jpg
XRoar start screenshot small.jpg (39 KiB) Viewed 3931 times
The info that got written to the stderr file was different, for instance

Code: Select all

WARNING: Hitachi HD6309 support is UNVERIFIED!
Module init: Windows SDL UI
Module init: Windows file requester
Module init: SDL OpenGL video
Module init: SDL audio
	16-bit signed little-endian, stereo, 48000Hz
	1 frags * 1024 frames/frag = 1024 frames buffer (21.3ms)
Module init: SDL keyboard input
	No joysticks found
Machine: Dragon64 (last)
Loading ROM image: ./d64_1.rom
Loading ROM image: ./d64_2.rom
	32K mode BASIC CRC = 0x84f68bf9 (forced)
WARNING: Invalid CRC for combined BASIC ROM
	64K mode BASIC CRC = 0x17893a42 (forced)
WARNING: Invalid CRC for alternate BASIC ROM
Cartridge: DragonDOS
Loading ROM image: ./ddos40.rom
	CRC = 0xf444d57f
Loading VDK virtual disk: 40C 1H 18S (256-byte)
Reading Dragon BIN file
WARNING: Dragon BIN: short read
Writing VDK virtual disk: 40C 1H (6400-byte)
Module shutdown: SDL keyboard input
Module shutdown: SDL audio
Module shutdown: SDL OpenGL video
Module shutdown: Windows file requester
Module shutdown: Windows SDL UI
Have a nice week-end
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