Conway's LIFE - my first programme

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Conway's LIFE - my first programme

Post by devo »

Season's Greetings to you all.

Here is a minimal implementation of Conway's Life inspired by Toni Baker's Z80 version in Mastering Machine Code On Your ZX Spectrum.

I post it not because it represents any great technical achievement in comparison to what the very talented people on this forum can do, but because it is my first 'real' programme in any language, ever! Getting Life to work became a bit of an obsession over many months. It shows what you can do when you enjoy learning something new and don't give up.
Life 16x16
Life 16x16
Life16_141227.png (8.83 KiB) Viewed 5732 times
To run: EXEC &H4000
Sorry, no elegant exit, you have to reset to start again.

To others just starting out with assembly programming on the Dragon, I found Ciaran Anscomb's very good asm6809 assembler (as well as his excellent XRoar, of course) with Demon monitor (DASM-Demon rom version) plus Vim editor on Linux work very well together.
Life16 source and binary
(2.12 KiB) Downloaded 425 times
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Re: Conway's LIFE - my first programme

Post by tormod »

Congratulations! Nice what you can do with 163 bytes!
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Re: Conway's LIFE - my first programme

Post by Alastair »

Well done, and it's nice to see someone getting some use out of the Demon monitor (since I am partly responsible for this site's image of the program :D ).
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Re: Conway's LIFE - my first programme

Post by Bosco »

Great to see another MC enthusiast. :)

Keep up the good work!
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Re: Conway's LIFE - my first programme

Post by sorchard »

Nicely done! I'd be very pleased with myself if that was my first program :-)
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