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Audio Spectrum Analyzer by Steve Bjork

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 2:30 pm
by zephyr
This is a copy of Steve Bjork's Audio Spectrum Analyzer, published by the Tandy Corporation (Datasoft). I have converted it from the original Tandy CoCo compatible cartridge to a Dragon 32/64 compatible cassette version.
The Audio Spectrum Analyzer allows you to play music through the Dragon cassette port, while displaying the equivalent of an EQ based on the sound coming through.

To the audio purist, high fidelity is a term which means faithful sound reproduction--the sound of "being there." Full, rich, accurate sound-every nuance precisely delineated. The tools to reach this desirable goal have been available for years. Quality amplifiers, tuners, turntables, receivers, and speakers, designed for maximum fidelity are available in almost every price range. All of these come supplied with impressive specifications and overwhelming claims.

But specifications and charts tell only part of the story. How well do these individual parts work together? Audio Spectrum Analyzer can help you achieve the maximum possible performance from your audio investment. It allows you to watch the music, showing you the power distribution of the music, or if you prefer, provides a visually entertaining Kaleidoscope of changing, dancing patterns for hours of relaxation.
Steve Bjork's Audio Spectrum Analyzer on YouTube.

A copy of the complete instruction manual is included.

EDIT: Attachment removed.

Re: Audio Spectrum Analyzer by Steve Bjork

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 11:06 pm
by Sarah
Cool upload! Well done!
zephyr wrote:Steve Bjork's Audio Spectrum Analyzer on YouTube.
That's a great video! I love that he bought old kit without prejudice and is so happy with his purchase! :D

Re: Audio Spectrum Analyzer by Steve Bjork

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 2:58 am
by zephyr
Thanks Sarah! :)

Here's a greatly improved version which is now compatible with Tandy Color Computer 1,2,3 and Dragon 32/64 machines. This version also fixes a couple of bugs which I previously missed.

EDIT: Archive updated 12:54 pm. Made some speed optimizations to the main loop, and made a few minor modifications to clean-up the code.

Re: Audio Spectrum Analyzer by Steve Bjork

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:07 am
by zephyr
Here's a copy of Audio Spectrum Analyzer saved to a DragonDOS virtual floppy disk (VDK).