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PiMania by Automata UK

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:11 am
by zephyr
Title: Pimania
Author(s): Mel Croucher, Christian Penfold, Chris Edwards
Publisher: Automata UK
Released: 1982
he Golden Sundial of Pi has been hidden in Time and Space. Will you
be the first seeker to locate this fabulous treasure, and be awarded
with the exquisitely crafted original, made from gold, diamond, lapis
lazuli, obsidian and niobium.

Enter the bizarre continuum of PIMANIA, where saxophones turn into
hangliders, where music meets madness and where the Pi-man rules
supreme. He'll befriend you, he'll betray you, he'll even sing and
dance for you! It may take you a week to play; it may take you a
lifetime. PIMANIA "...the best evidence that computer gaming has come
of adventure enthusiast's dream." (Computer & Video Games)

Re: PiMania by Automata UK

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:52 pm
by Alastair
This is the second version (at least) of Pimania released for the Dragon. This version asks if your Dragon can cope with the double-speed poke, the earlier version uses the poke without asking. Guess which version I have, and whether-or-not my Dragon can handle double-speed? Oh the joys of listing a program - on screen, I had no printer - and noting each line where the poke occurs, then editing those lines each time I loaded the game. I'll re-upload my .cas copy after I've had a chance to test it on my Dragon, which (unfortunately) I can't do this week.

Re: PiMania by Automata UK

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:43 pm
by Alastair
As promised here is my version of Pimania which I have tested with a couple of versions of XRoar and a real Dragon 32. I haven't followed the Tosec labelling system as I am not sure how the system deals with different versions of the same game. Someone who knows can change the name of the zip file when the file is uploaded on to the site, keep in mind that I assume this version is an earlier version than the one uploaded by Zephyr for the reason that I gave above. I have also put the wave file into a separate zip because I don't know if the site's policy is to combine cas and wave files into one zip, or to keep them separate as in the current downloads section.

As an aside, anyone wishing to play the wave file directly from their computer into a real Dragon's cassette port will need to pause the playing of the wave file a couple of times: once after the main program loads and again, briefly, during the loading of data when the loading screen text changes. So listen out for the relay clicks.