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The Ring of Darkness by Wintersoft

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:28 am
by robcfg
Here you have the full and tested (on XRoar and Real Dragon) dump of The Ring of Darkness.

I've attached two versions. The firs contains two .cas files, one for each side of the tape, and the second one contains 9 .cas files and 9 .wav files (that is, all parts separately).

The reason for this is that it's easier if you load the program to your Dragon via the sound card of your PC.

I also created the wiki page for the game, with scans and screenshots.

Have fun!

Re: The Ring of Darkness by Wintersoft

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:04 pm
by admin
Thanks for this and all the other contributions you have made..... This in particular brings back very fond memories - a fantastic game on the Dragon - limited only by the tape format (all that loading)...but the concept and execution were brilliant for its day.

Re: The Ring of Darkness by Wintersoft

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:25 pm
by robcfg
You're welcome!

I didn't have a Dragon back in the day and I got my 64 by chance. Since then, I've discovered what a nice machine it is and lots of very interesting and original games.

I specially like "Back Track", I never get tired of the wonderful 3D effect of the walls :mrgreen:

Have a nice weekend!

Re: The Ring of Darkness by Wintersoft

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:52 pm
by Julian
Good though the game may have been it is more-or-less a simple rip-off of the original Ultima and chunks of Akalabeth (the predecessor to Ultima). It is of course a great game in its own right despite the derivative content. The real star of the show is that it was written in basic and still managed to contain so much. The later Wintersoft adventure games are so much more in all respects but for something written in the depths of the early 80s (1982 I think) it is a work of art. The fact that Akalabeth was written in Basic (the AppleSoft variant) as well may have some influence on how the game came to be but without some honest input from Mr Humphreys it is likely to remain a matter of guesswork (on my part)