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The extension wav is not allowed.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:28 am
by Cloete
Hi. My first program dump attempt gave me the error: The extension wav is not allowed.
What should I do to share my program?
Also, should the program be saved in 8bit or 16bit?
I got the error trying to dump the 8bit program. Before I continue with the 16bit, I first need some answers so I can do it right.
Regards, Cloete
PS: Linville, welcome to the site!

Re: The extension wav is not allowed.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:43 am
by zephyr
Cloete wrote:Hi. My first program dump attempt gave me the error: The extension wav is not allowed.
What should I do to share my program?
You need to compress the .WAV file with one of the following before you attach (upload) it to your post.


7-Zip - FREE


Or, convert the .WAV file to a .CAS file.

Cloete wrote: Also, should the program be saved in 8bit or 16bit?
I got the error trying to dump the 8bit program. Before I continue with the 16bit, I first need some answers so I can do it right.
As long as they load into XROAR without problems it doesn't really matter.


Re: The extension wav is not allowed.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:27 am
by munkeyboy
I don't know what methods are best for recording wav files, but the way that works for me to produce wav files that load in Xroar and on a real Dragon are as follows:
I use an old Laptop running XP and the software 'Audio cleaning lab' by Magix and save my recordings as a 44100Hz, 8 bit, mono wav file.
You do need to get the volume on the cassette player just right to produce a working wav file though, just like on a real Dragon.


I've just re-read this post and it looks like I have gone off on a tangent with my answer, what I was trying to show was that 8 bit is okay to upload as long as it has been compressed.