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AGD converted Games. PACK #18 - correction

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 5:13 pm
by pser1
Michael Kline has detected that Monty Mole doesn't work!
This is one of those 'big' games that compiles far beyond the 32k limit
So I must add a parameter to make it use upper RAM, but I didn't do that, sorry :-(
A am attaching here the two files VDK and DSK so that you can substitute the wrong one
These come as version 1.1 to avoid errors

EDIT: Please download the zips from next message!

Re: AGD converted Games. PACK #18 - correction

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 5:29 pm
by pser1
I 'lost' the intro screen in v1.1
Not good working too fast!
Here are in v1.2 with the 'old' intro screen