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Kung-Fu Dude for the Dragon 64 and 200

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:05 pm
by zephyr
Here is a copy of Kung-Fu Dude which has been converted by Steve Woolham for use on a Dragon 64, 200 or upgraded 64K Dragon 32. Both cassette and disk versions are supplied. 8-)
Review by L. Curtis Boyle:

Kung-Fu Dude is an arcade game, similiar to many arcade games where you are a Kung-Fu master fighting through various levels to get to the big boss. Similiar in game play to Glen's later Coco 3 only game, Kyum-Gai: To Be Ninja, it is a side scroller where you kick, punch, jump and duck your way through obstacles and various foes. This was the last sideways scrolling fighting game that Sundog did for the Coco 1 or 2; all later ones were Coco 3 only.
EDIT: Just received an improved version from Steve Woolham. Attached new archive on the 23rd January, 2012.

EDIT: Just received a further improved version from Steve Woolham. Attached new archive on the 24th January, 2012.

Re: Kung-Fu Dude for the Dragon 64 and 200

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:14 pm
by sixxie
Here's a re-jigging of the cassette version that takes a bit less time to load.

Edit: updated

Re: Kung-Fu Dude for the Dragon 64 and 200

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:57 pm
by zephyr
sixxie wrote:Here's a re-jigging of the cassette version that takes a bit less time to load.
Thanks, Ciaran. Any chance you can do the same with the latest release?

Re: Kung-Fu Dude for the Dragon 64 and 200

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:39 pm
by sixxie
zephyr wrote:Thanks, Ciaran. Any chance you can do the same with the latest release?
Done & updated.

Edit: here is the loader source plus your binary parts (taken from the disk - part1.bin has the copy routine stripped off) in a tarball - all just quickly adapted from previous project.

Re: Kung-Fu Dude for the Dragon 64 and 200

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:02 pm
by zephyr
Thanks, Ciaran! 8-) I have attached a copy of the instruction leaflet.

EDIT: Updated.