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Target Pong for Dragon

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 7:12 pm
by Rolo
Hi everybody,
I converted an old COMMODORE PET Basic game for the Dragon computer: TARGET PONG :)
I always liked that game. Though it is "only" a BASIC-game, it's fast and entertaining.

I had this plan for quite a while. Finally done. Don't blame me for the ugly code. I left the "historic" code unchanged, where I could and modified only, where necessary. It's obvious, those were the days, where the result was important, no matter what was inside. For small, confined problems maybe not always the worst solution. :?
I did the conversion the genuine retro-way, on a real Dragon 32, with the real keyboard, with the inbuilt "editor", with a cassette recorder. I wanted to experience again, what it was like to do programming work in 1983. And I like the sound of the old keyboards. I still have a lot of the "guaranteed 20 million keystrokes" left, which they've been advertising.
Well, yes it's, ...argh..., time consuming :roll:. Big screens and modern editors really make things easier, I remember now :!:
I never knew, where I was in the code on that tiny screen. Editing with that simple line editor is so much work. Printers really were important those days!
I don't want to withhold the program from you, after all this work.
Have fun!
Target Pong (CBM) .wav
(1.45 MiB) Downloaded 306 times

Re: Target Pong for Dragon

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:00 pm
by robcfg
Hey, nice game!

Thanks for taking the time to convert it!

I totally agree with you in that with modern tools development is easier, so your effort is appreciated.

Re: Target Pong for Dragon

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:24 pm
by tjewell
Ha, I remember that game! it's a good reminder of how much entertainment you can have with a simple text based game. Who needs 3D?!

I'm also well impressed - and slightly humbled - you did it the old-school way. I haven't been that brave for quite some time. Like many of us, back in the 80s, I had no disk drive, no printer, yet produced hundreds of programs. We're spoiled by all these modern tools! Well done!