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Devil's Island by Apex Trading Ltd

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 1:58 am
by robcfg
Hello everyone!

I got Devil's Island by Apex Trading on eBay, and I'm quite amazed that I cannot find any info on it anywhere. Not on the Archive, nor CASA, no results on Google (well, just one that shows that was published for the TI99/4A computer...).

We have listed a game called Island Adventure on the Apex Trading page, that may be the same game, but I'm not sure about that.

Anyone knows anything about it?

I've created the page, scanned tape and inlay and uploaded the game. You can check it here.


Re: Devil's Island by Apex Trading Ltd

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:01 am
by rolfmichelsen
Ah... Old memories return. This was actually the first proper adventure game that I played on the Dragon, got it together with Haunted Hause by the same publisher. Somewhat irritating adventure, but then, most adventures were a bit irritating back then...

-- Rolf

Re: Devil's Island by Apex Trading Ltd

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:20 am
by robcfg
Hehe, I haven't managed yet to get out of the cell. Everytime I try to examine the environment I get nothing so I don't know what to use or say.

Then a guard comes... XD

Re: Devil's Island by Apex Trading Ltd

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:47 am
by rolfmichelsen
That's the first irritating thing about this game. Believe me, as a beginner to adventures this was really frustrating. The guard comes after a game timer has expired. There is nothing you can do before it happens. Then, if I recall correctly, you obviously just "KILL GUARD" with your bare hands...

-- Rolf

Re: Devil's Island by Apex Trading Ltd

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 11:21 pm
by Alastair
Thanks for the heads up Rob, once I have played around with the game and grabbed some screenshots I will add this game to CASA.

In the meantime I have added Pharoah's Curse to the Apex Trading Ltd page though not yet an entry for the game. (This game can be found on SnarkHunter disc ADVEN05B.vdk, there appears to be no cassette image available.)

Re: Devil's Island by Apex Trading Ltd

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:16 pm
by robcfg

I saw you already added it to CASA, now let's see if I cna have some time to play it :mrgreen: