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OS9 PD library, Prolog, 5.25" disks

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:05 pm
by fridgemagnet

I've unearthed my 5.25" disk collection which has thrown out a couple of bits you may be interested in. Attached are disk images for OS9-Prolog (accompanies the manual in my last post), the disk I have is a copy rather than an original. Also attached is a disk image/manual for an interesting app I had called Wefax. This was designed to allow you to download and view weather maps received via shortwave radios. Sadly I never laid my hands on a suitable radio to use with it (furthermore I don't even know if they transmit such things any more, I doubt it somehow) but it may be of interest.

Finally, I've come across about half a dozen disks labelled "OS9 PD Library" and "OS9 User Group, Newsdisk" - these came bundled with my first D64. The latter I believe was put together out of Germany by a chap called Burghard Kinzel. No idea what state they are in but I'm happy to try and create vdks from them if people are interested.



Re: OS9 PD library, Prolog, 5.25" disks

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:24 pm
by KenH
Thanks for the PROLOG disk!
This is a great addition to the archives. AFAIK Prolog is not available for download elsewhere for neither Dragon or CoCo.
I'd be interested to download the OS9 User group and PD Library disks. I used to be a subscriber to one of these groups (can't remember which), but I have long misplaced the disks.

Re: OS9 PD library, Prolog, 5.25" disks

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:48 pm
by fridgemagnet
Here are the disk images for the OS9 Newsgroup & PD Library I mentioned plus a couple of other bits I found lying around.