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Spanish Computer Assisted Courses by Software AMM

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:08 am
by robcfg
Hello everybody!

While dumping some Dragon tapes, I noticed a blank Dragon Data labeled tape, which I initially though to be empty.

I dumped it, and I recovered Lesson 11 from a spanish course on computers. There's no info on the company or the courses. Obviously, there's at least 10 more lessons (numbers 1 to 10) and an undetermined number of them above the one found.

I have created a page for the company here, and I uploaded my tape dump and some screenshots.

Hope you like it!

Re: Spanish Computer Assisted Courses by Software AMM

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 2:22 am
by robcfg
Jltursan pointed me to a backup of the forums where I found a picture of the tapes and also how much they were.

I've updated the page and I hope we can contact the known owner of these tapes and preserve them.