Games compilations

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Games compilations

Post by fridgemagnet »


I've been having a bit of a clear out of much of my Dragon stuff and have (finally) got round to archiving off some stuff which may be of interest. For starters, here are 3 disk images of all the games I've aquired over the years (even including some dodgy efforts from myself back in the late 80s).


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Re: Games compilations

Post by zephyr »

Thanks! :)
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Re: Games compilations

Post by craiganderson »

thank you.
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Re: Games compilations

Post by tormod »

From reading the gamedisk.txt... Jon, are you the one behind the onastick web site?? Thanks a lot for that site, I have been reading and enjoying a lot of the stuff there! Fantastic to have you here on the forum :)
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Re: Games compilations

Post by fridgemagnet »

Yes, I'll own up to responsibility for - I drifted out of the Dragon scene towards the end of the late 90's to work on other things.

At the moment I'm in the process of (slowly) sorting out the bits & pieces I've acquired/built/hacked together over the years and trying to decide what I want to keep or hopefully find a new home for - so I'll probably be posting some "for sales" on here in the near future.

However there have been some interesting developments (notably on the emulator scene) in my absence which has given me some ideas and if I ever get the time & the inclination may well pursue...

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