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Larkspur Waldorf adventure games

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 1:44 am
by zephyr
Working copies of Larkspur Waldorf Is Trapped and The Journey Home. These games were uploaded in response to this post.

Re: Larkspur Waldorf adventure games

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 12:08 am
by zephyr
Attached below is a patch to allow you to run part 1 (Larkspur Waldorf is Trapped) on a Dragon 64. It also improves the keyboard response when playing the game on both Dragon 32 and Dragon 64 machines. The patch can also be used to improve keyboard response when playing part 2 (The Journey Home) on Dragon 32/64 machines. Apply the patch with CLOADM:EXEC before loading the game.

NOTE: This patch is not needed if you are using Steve Woolham's Enhanced Dragon 64 ROMs.

Re: Larkspur Waldorf adventure games

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 4:50 pm
by zephyr
I have fixed the bug which caused part 1 to crash when attempting to run it on a Dragon 64. I have also added Steve Woolham's Speedkey routine to both games.