Module Man (Microdeal)

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Module Man (Microdeal)

Post by daelectron »

I have succeeded in transferring another file to WAV:

Again, it's a huge file. If someone could convert it to CAS (and a slightly smaller WAV), that would be great.


Module Man is a high resolution graphics game for the Dragon 32 and Tandy Color Computer and requires 32K and one joystick. This game will talk if you have a Tandy Speech/Sound Cartridge installed.

Method Of Play

The player controls Module Man. The object is to locate the magic sword and return it to the king.

The sword will be hidden in one of the fifteen screens that make up the dungeon; the king will be sitting on his throne in the first screen.

In the dungeon there are 25 different objects. Five of them may be picked up, set down, and carried by Module Man. If he picks up any of the other twenty objects, he will receive points based on which object it is, but once he has picked it up, it will be gone for the duration of the game.

To get from screen to screen, Module Man merely has to go through one of the doors that is on the screen. To go through a door, position Module Man in front of the door and move the joystick to the up position. This means that he may go through the screens in any order he chooses. Sometimes a door is locked; in which case Module Man must find the correct object that can be carried, pick it up and try the door again.

There are also secret doors. These doors do not appear on the screen, but function as regular doors - if you can find them!

Note: You must get all non-carryable objects (except for the skull before any of the doors on that screen can be used.

Module Man will also encounter monsters in every screen. They will attempt to kill Module Man eitehr by running into him or shooting him. If one of these things occurs, Module Man will lose a certain amount of energy. Module Man is terminated if his energy level reaches zero, which will be displayed throughout the game at the top of the screen near the score.

Module Man is not helpless though. He can shoot the monsters back and if he hits one three times then it will cease to exist.


Actions Module Man may perform
Stand - When joystick is centred
Run - When joystick is left or right of centre
Jump - When joystick is pointed up
Fall - When Module Man runs past the edge of a platform
Shoot - When fire button is pressed and joystick is centred
Climb - When Module Man is on a rope ladder he will move up or down according to the position of the joystick
Go Thru A Door - Position Module Man in front of the door and move the joystick up
Pick Up/Set Down Objects - When joystick is pointed down and the fire-button is being pressed

Total of fifteen, completely different screens; this includes the one secret screen.

There are 25 objects, five of which Module Man may carry around. The other twenty are worth various amounts of points and may appear in any number on the different screens. Once a non-carryable object has been touched, points will be awarded and the object will disappear. One of these objects will also increase Module Man's energy level.

Total of five bad guys. Two of them are flying bad guys, the other three walk/roll/crawl. They may appear in any number of the different screens.

Module_Man_000.jpg (454.27 KiB) Viewed 2916 times
Front Cover
Front Cover
Module_Man_000.jpg (566.86 KiB) Viewed 2916 times
Posts: 150
Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:25 pm

Re: Module Man (Microdeal)

Post by daelectron »

Please note that there is a CAS version in the archives on this site, but it seems to have some issues.
Posts: 150
Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:25 pm

Re: Module Man (Microdeal)

Post by daelectron »

Hmmm, actually there is also a working WAV file on this site so it seems this was a bit of a waste of time.

The CAS version definitely doesn't work though. Hopefully someone will make a working CAS version from this file.
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Re: Module Man (Microdeal)

Post by sixxie »

Recording level is spot on for this one.

(But yes, the archive WAV copy appears to load identically).
Module Man (1985)(Microdeal).zip
(113.72 KiB) Downloaded 259 times
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