Deskmate (Tandy OS9) for Dragon

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Deskmate (Tandy OS9) for Dragon

Post by KenH »

Deskmate, which was released by Tandy for the CoCo2 OS9 Level 1 in 1985 , was Tandy's idea of an integrated GUI based "office" suite of applications.
There's a nice review on page 11 here: ... 2%20N3.pdf

I have now ported Deskmate for the Dragon 64 with Drivewire.


In order to convert it to the Dragon, I have created a hybrid OS9 build, which has the NitrOS9 DW kernel along with the Tandy OS9 bootfile and additonal Drivewire drivers.
Some of modules are based on Luis's CF image of OS9 for SuperIDE.

I have attached dsk images for Dragon Drivewire and for Dragon Becker (for use with Xroar).

Just mount the DSK image as drive 0 on Drivewire. Boot the Dragon and type DOS under HDBDOS. Deskmate will autoload.

Deskmate is using NTSC artifact colours, so your display will be b&w unless you select Tano Dragon emulation under XRoar.
Deskmate for Dragon - DRIVEWIRE
(157.5 KiB) Downloaded 248 times
Deskmate for Dragon - BECKER
(157.5 KiB) Downloaded 221 times
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