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Escape, Mansion, FesQuest, Kursk and Raider

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:03 am
by jgerrie
I have uploaded a zip containing 5 games. Escape is "Escape from the Dungeon of the Gods" by Ray Sato for the TRS-80 Model1/3. Mansion is an update of "Killer Mansion" for the Coco. FesQuest is a game developed by me in honour of the Annual Chicago Coco Fests based on a game from the ZX81. Kursk is a 3D first person tank shooter game developed by me. It uses keyboard controls (A,S,W) or joystick (right). Finally, there is "Cavern Raider," another new game by me, which only uses the joystick (right). Any feedback, again, is much appreciated.

Re: Escape, Mansion, FesQuest, Kursk and Raider

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:17 am
by jgerrie
Small update to Raider.