Toolkit by Premier Microsystems, pics and pdf.

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Toolkit by Premier Microsystems, pics and pdf.

Post by davidbowman »

Toolkit by Premier Microsystems, cartridge pictures and pdf of manual.

Didn't see this on the archive site so thought you might like these pictures of the
cartridge and a pdf of the manual - hopefully the pdf comes out OK as I didn't spend much time optimizing the scans.
The manual has page 2 missing - I got this way.
If you notice the cartridge has Pin 7 disconnected, you can see the cut next to the via - it was not me.

I no longer have any means of copying ROMs but when I do (don't hold your breath) I'll try and get a ROM image of it.

Don't think I can upload these directly to the archive so I stuck them here: ... oolkit.rar
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Re: Toolkit by Premier Microsystems, pics and pdf.

Post by robcfg »


Thank you very much.

I'll try to upload it tonight.
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Re: Toolkit by Premier Microsystems, pics and pdf.

Post by robcfg »

Hi David!

I creates the page and uploaded your files. You can see it here.

In case you're not able to dump the cartridge and don't mind sending it to Spain, I can dump it for you and return it to you as soon as possible.

Also, I'm thinking that it may be possible to save the rom contents to a binary file on tape or disk, or record it as wav on a pc. It may be worth trying.

By the way, would it be too difficult to take a picture of the solder side of the pcb?

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Re: Toolkit by Premier Microsystems, pics and pdf.

Post by davidbowman »


A wee while ago I did try to remove the PCB from the case but, as you can see from the picture, it has been fixed down with silicone rubber.
The silicon has also been put on the underside of the board, so I don't want to risk damaging it by hacking it apart - so no track side pictures for now...Sorry.

I''ll be getting an eprom programmer soon so should be able to provide a dump of the contents.

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Re: Toolkit by Premier Microsystems, pics and pdf.

Post by Rink »

That looks really useful.

Where are you based David? I'm in the UK and can probably dump the ROM - would be a good thing to have preserved.

Edit: just read the post above properly. If you run into problems, feel free to give me a shout. Otherwise, what programmer are you getting mate? I keep meaning to buy one but usually end up choking and hacking something together to do the job instead.
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Re: Toolkit by Premier Microsystems, pics and pdf.

Post by davidbowman »

Rink wrote: Where are you based David? I'm in the UK and can probably dump the ROM - would be a good thing to have preserved.

Edit: just read the post above properly. If you run into problems, feel free to give me a shout. Otherwise, what programmer are you getting mate? I keep meaning to buy one but usually end up choking and hacking something together to do the job instead.
Hi Rink,

Ahh! POP! Just noticed that my edited post failed to appear, it explained some more about trying to get a wav copy of the rom - it was very late/early and I was quite tired.
To cut a long story sort I've uploaded my (failed ?) attempt at copying the cartridge as a wav here.. ... it_wav.rar
Could someone tell me how, as it would be useful in the future, to successfully copy a rom as a wav.

The eprom programmer I'm going to get is the SIVAVA Willem EPROM Programmer PCB50B, it was mentioned in a post in one of the other sections. ... 56586f0f10
I am UK located (Aberdeen) but I should have the eprom programmer in a couple of weeks, so it probably won't be any quicker to sending it to you.

About two weeks ago I scored a copy of Eagle 6 PCB CAD and have made up a design for a bog-standard Dragon cartridge (two 8k eproms). I know it's just reinventing-the-wheel, but it was (and still is) a bit of training exercise to figure out how to use Eagle and to get re-familiar with the workings of the Dragon, the one thing that I'm not sure of is how to ensure the PCB is cut to shape; I've contacted the fabricator iTeadStudio - I think you have used them - and they say just send the design and they will do the rest; so finger crossed let's see what happens.

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Re: Toolkit by Premier Microsystems, pics and pdf.

Post by Rink »

I think there's a page on the wiki - I'll try to find it. But doing it from the Dragon involves breaking the cartridge's autostart mechanism if memory serves. Having said that, if the Toolkit returns to you to BASIC or let's you run BASIC then it should be doable.

I had to throw together a Dragon cartridge programmer/dumper for some recent "play" so have never actually tried dumping from the Dragon itself.

Will check out that programmer - cheers for the info. I really need a better (I.e. more flexible) solution.
davidbowman wrote: About two weeks ago I scored a copy of Eagle 6 PCB CAD and have made up a design for a bog-standard Dragon cartridge (two 8k eproms). I know it's just reinventing-the-wheel, but it was (and still is) a bit of training exercise to figure out how to use Eagle and to get re-familiar with the workings of the Dragon, the one thing that I'm not sure of is how to ensure the PCB is cut to shape; I've contacted the fabricator iTeadStudio - I think you have used them - and they say just send the design and they will do the rest; so finger crossed let's see what happens.
Yup, I use iTeadStudio about three times a month at the minute. Can't say enough good things about them. Although I've not used Eagle for years (couldn't get the hang of it), most PCB software outputs a board shape outline when you export as Gerber. That's usually all they need to cut the boards. They seem pretty amazing at checking and fixing problems though - I've sent stuff off before which I wasn't convinced would work and somehow the boards have turned up at my door manufactured perfectly. :D

Edit: Sorry, I might be wrong about Eagle. In the back of my mind something is telling me that it puts the board outline on a silkscreen and not on its own layer. That's usually fine for fab houses though.

Great to hear that you're another guy who enjoys playing with the electronics and hardware side of retro-computing. And don't worry about reinventing the wheel - as you say, it's important for training but also I don't think we have anyone here making the standard design of cartridges (mine are single 28 series rom/sram boards, Rolo makes Multi-roms) so this looks like a welcome addition to me!

Let us know how you get on!
Last edited by Rink on Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Toolkit by Premier Microsystems, pics and pdf.

Post by Rink »

Found the link I was after: ... mping_ROMS

In the dumping roms section, it describes the general principal behind dumping the Dragon's system roms. However, for standard carts (looks like the Toolkit is just a rom and chip select logic) then you can get usable data the same way if you can defeat the autostart and dump the cart's address range (C000-FFFF if it was a 16KB rom).

Possibly is going to be easier to get the programmer though. :D
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Re: Toolkit by Premier Microsystems, pics and pdf.

Post by davidbowman »

Rink wrote:Found the link I was after: ... mping_ROMS
In the dumping roms section, it describes the general principal behind dumping the Dragon's system roms. However, for standard carts (looks like the Toolkit is just a rom and chip select logic) then you can get usable data the same way if you can defeat the autostart and dump the cart's address range (C000-FFFF if it was a 16KB rom).
Possibly is going to be easier to get the programmer though. :D
Yes it will be much simpler with a programmer - can't wait for it to arrive.
The Toolkit cartridge has one 2764 eprom, addressed at C000-DFFF; I've manage to defeat the autostart on other cartridges - just put a bit of sellotape over the CART line.

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Re: Toolkit by Premier Microsystems, pics and pdf.

Post by Rink »

davidbowman wrote: put a bit of sellotape over the CART line.
Hahahahahaha. I've never thought of something so simple - that's genius!!!
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