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Death Mines Of Sirus (Phoenix)

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:41 pm
by daelectron
As far as I can see, the version of this in the archive is missing the third part of the adveture.

Part 1. Death Mines of Sirus ACTION
Part 2. Death Mines of Sirus ADVENTURE PART 1
Part 3. Death Mines of Sirus ADVENTURE PART 2

It seems as if Part 1 doesn't work on xRoar. However, if you use the .CAS version of Part 1, and the .WAVs from here for the adventure bits, then you have the whole game.

Perhaps someone can make a WAV of the working version of the CAS file already in the Dragon Archive, then convert Parts 2 and 3 from here to .CAS format and give us a complete version.

Re: Death Mines Of Sirus (Phoenix)

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:05 am
by robcfg
Thank you again for these wonderful dumps and scans!

I'll be on holidays till the 2nd of january, so I won't be able to upload your dumps to the Archive until then, sorry.

I'd like to wish everyone Merry christmas and a Happy New Year!

That is, if the world doesn't end... :mrgreen:

Re: Death Mines Of Sirus (Phoenix)

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:54 am
by Alastair
daelectron wrote:It seems as if Part 1 doesn't work on xRoar. However, if you use the .CAS version of Part 1, and the .WAVs from here for the adventure bits, then you have the whole game.
It does but it's another instance where you need to start XRoar with the -no-tape-fast option. I think the first part may use the skip block form of copy protection which is why XRoar in fast tape mode has a problem with it. This skip block copy protection also means that it is rather more difficult to create a "true" .CAS file of Part 1. Does anyone know if the .CAS file in the archive takes this into account?