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Re: Katerpillar Attack Cartridge for the Tandy CoCo

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:44 pm
by Rolo
Hi Pere,
and there are a few programs that use or need just the upper bank, but no different rom, like the above mentioned "DupliDisk" or the one I've just been working on: "Arkanoid". Or "Soko-Ban" and probably some more.
What is the serial number of your D32? When did they solder in sockets?
Mine is #019193 and pretty old, because it still had that small extra memory board to expand it from 16k to 32k.

Re: Katerpillar Attack Cartridge for the Tandy CoCo

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:29 pm
by pser1
Hi Rolo,
I have one D32 older than yours, but the other is newer (according to the serials).
The lower one works perfect without changing any chip along the 64K, this one has serial number 064651.
The other (newer), doesn't work properly with the upper 32k, this one has serial number 318986.
You will see in the photos that both have the two ROMs socketed (IC17 and IC18).

Re: Katerpillar Attack Cartridge for the Tandy CoCo

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:31 pm
by pser1
Hello Rolo,
I missread the serial number of your machine, both mine are OLDER!!
By the way, is there any way to upload pictures to be seen in the message without having to scroll that much?

Re: Katerpillar Attack Cartridge for the Tandy CoCo

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:35 pm
by pser1
I see that my english improves a bit with every message I write!
Just to state clearly that my machines have greater serial numbers than yours so they cannot be "older" . . .

Re: Katerpillar Attack Cartridge for the Tandy CoCo

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:09 pm
by Rolo
By the way, is there any way to upload pictures to be seen in the message without having to scroll that much?
That is something I would like to know too! But I fear, the only way is to reduce the pictures' resolution. The notation of the web page (i.e. "pict.jpg|200px") doesn't work here.

Funny, old machines have everything soldered in, newer ones have sockets. Normally it's the other way round.