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Re: Pipe Frenzy and Tunnel Jumper by Jim Gerrie

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:16 am
by jgerrie
Here's an upload in dragon format of my latest programming efforts for the CocoCoding 2013 contest. It's a simulation of the Scrabble. For instructions, see my Blog: ... -beta.html
Feedback on it and Pipe Frenzy and Tunnel Jumper are most welcome.

Re: Pipe Frenzy and Tunnel Jumper by Jim Gerrie

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:07 am
by jgerrie
I couldn't stop fiddling with the Scrabble program. Made some changes to the way it searches its word database so that it just keeps cycling through suggestions until it finishes the dictionary, instead of just making 5 suggestions and stopping. Now when it gets to the end of the list it also prints a list of the 5 longest words it has found. You can of course, still stop the search any time by hitting a key. I also edited the dictionary to take out some lingering proper nouns and added some two letter words useful in Scrabble. I added a single person play option so one can play "scrabble solitaire." Few minor cosmetic changes regarding screen cleanup at the end of the game.