Eurohard Dragon OS9 Level1 Version 2.0

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Re: Eurohard Dragon OS9 Level1 Version 2.0

Post by sixxie »

KenH wrote:I have recreated this disk in DMK format.
This DMK image seems to boot and run fine under XROAR!
Weird, the boot procedure seems to be completely different to the other one - and indeed works with unpatched XRoar (though if the earlier version of the disk works on a real machine, the fix is obviously needed).

Old one loads from status register and shifts to test BUSY bit, new version loads from status register and BIT tests. How are they so different?
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Re: Eurohard Dragon OS9 Level1 Version 2.0

Post by KenH »

sixxie wrote: How are they so different?
I have done a logical disk copy, not a sector by sector copy. I used cobbler to recreate the boot image.
robcfg wrote:Thank you very much!

By the way, how did you convert it to .dmk? I'm having trouble converting the single side Telewriter image for Delta DOS to .dmk, you can grab the image here.
  • In XROAR, load the source disk.
    Press control-shift-2 to create a blank virtual DMK disk in drive 2.
    Format the disk in drive 2 and copy all files to it.
    (For the OS9 system disk I used cobbler /d1 & dsave to copy all files).
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Re: Eurohard Dragon OS9 Level1 Version 2.0

Post by robcfg »

I've tried to do that, but any access to the disk triggers the 'autorun' of the telewriter application...

That's why I was interested in a method to dump the sectors to a dmk image.
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