Follow Me by John W. Linville

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Follow Me by John W. Linville

Post by zephyr »

John W. Linville wrote: For those of you not on Facebook (or for those that haven't 'liked'
the "TRS-80 / Color Computer" page there), you might not be aware of
my recent CoCo developments...

I have recently released "Follow Me", a clone of the 80's-era 'Simon'
game targeted at the Tandy Color Computer. The game can be controlled
using the 'W', 'E', 'S', and 'D' keys to choose the colors/tones
for playback. Source code (for the mamou assembler) is available,
as are a LOADM'able BIN file and a CLOADM'able wav file for playback
on a computer (or cell phone, etc).

The code supports both the CoCo and Dragon keyboards. I tested the
game on my Tano Dragon, where it seems to run as well as on my TDP-100
(i.e. CoCo1). It should work on the CoCo3 as well, but I have not
confirmed that.

FWIW, the game also supports my (afaik) one-of-a-kind rotary controller
for the CoCo. Read farther back in the blog referenced above for
more information about that!


John W. Linville wrote: Follow Me is a clone of the 80's-era game Simon. It was developed
as part of the Retrochallenge 2013 Winter Warmup event.

Source code for Follow Me can be obtained through the links available

For information on the development of Follow Me, see the blog here:

The relevant blog entries are primarily from the month of January in
the year 2013.
Follow Me on YouTube:
Follow Me (2013)(John W. Linville)[!].zip
(5.82 KiB) Downloaded 194 times
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