Updated zip for Music Maker

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Updated zip for Music Maker

Post by Dragonslayer »

Hi all,

Tried the cas version of my own Music Maker from the archive and encountered a few problems.

The program runs (if I recall correctly) by overwriting the stack (to give it's own return address) and also has a read error right at the end which is partly the source of the problems (I'm using XRoar).

After the main program on the cas are 3 tunes for loading into Music Maker but loading these presents a few issues because of the MotorOn command causing the XRoar loader to skip past them *after hitting* the error in the main program read.
This causes the rest of the tape to be read incorrectly in XRoar and DC.exe so I can't even recover the tunes by conversion to wav - all you get then is apparently a single program from the sound i.e. somehow the exttraction to wav thinks the entire cas is one file, probably something to do with the read error at the end of the main program.
However if you "skipf" the main program in XRoar and then (after the read error) continue to skipf then all the tune files are found correctly.

After struggling to find a solution on Sunday I finally managed to load and resave all 3 tunes in separate cas files for ease of use - fortunately although the tunes were partly saved in data format (using Print#-1) the data formatting was straightforward i.e. not using "using" ;)

Of course I was driven nuts by trying to OPEN"I",# 1,"" which was failing with a ?DN error because of the error in the original Dragon Manual (I'd forgotten how to save/read data) I eventually recollected the same issue with the manual in 198x i.e. that the "-" was missing in the manual as in #-1 :)

So anyway here's a new zip - the Music Maker main cas file is untouched so the 3 tunes to load into it are still after the main program in the same cas but they're also in the zip as 3 separate cas files so they can be loaded easily - or at least realtively easily, in XRoar you still have to be quick to press a key - when Music Maker says "press a ket to load xxxxx" then use ctrl-L to choose the cas file for a tune and press a key on the Dragon immediately after choosing the cas file and you should be OK :)
Music Maker (by David Makin) with the 3 sample tunes saved in separate cas files.
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Re: Updated zip for Music Maker

Post by zephyr »

Here are some extras for Music Maker. Information, Upgrades, Demo tunes.
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Re: Updated zip for Music Maker

Post by zephyr »

Wave file (.wav) versions attached.
Music Maker (1986)(John Penn Software, David Makin)[!].zip
(104.23 KiB) Downloaded 225 times
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