Animated Tunes by Orange Software

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Animated Tunes by Orange Software

Post by daelectron »


I recently bought a few things from eBay and amongst them was a disc (5.25") labelled Animated Tunes by Orange Software. I can't find it on-line but I lack a PC here with a 5.25" disc drive (and actually I don't know how I would get it from the disc to a VDK image or equivalent). Anyone here want to borrow the disc and create a dump of it so it can be preserved for future generations? Ideally someone in the UK where there's less chance it gets lots en route? I would like the original back after the dump is done so it would be a labour of love project...! :-)
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Re: Animated Tunes by Orange Software

Post by robcfg »

I can do it for you but it will take some time as I'm in the middle of moving to Sweden.

If you like to, we can discuss the details via pm.
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Re: Animated Tunes by Orange Software

Post by robcfg »

And luck has been on our side this time!

I managed to dump the six disks courtesy of daelectron, here are the links:

Animated Tunes


Dragon Graphics Studio Plus


Rainbow Writer v1.3


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Re: Animated Tunes by Orange Software

Post by zephyr »

Thanks to both of you. :)
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Re: Animated Tunes by Orange Software

Post by robcfg »

I just realized that maybe I overdumped the Rally disk, as OmniFlop detects it as 80 track double side, but that would be a strange setup.

Is there any way to query the filesystem for the size of the disk when it was formatted? Or is there a way to delete all files (like using wildcards) without initializing the disk?
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Re: Animated Tunes by Orange Software

Post by daelectron »

Rally must be one of the most irritating games in the world. Starts off with some of the best monochrome graphics I've ever seen. But I can't get off the first screen. Typing instructions into it takes an age and the responses flash by in a second.

Did anyone get any further than the first location? The way I'm feeling right now just even starting the car would just about make my week!
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Re: Animated Tunes by Orange Software

Post by robcfg »

Hehe, absolutely!

I tried Start Engine and similar commands but couldn't get it running...
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Re: Animated Tunes by Orange Software

Post by Alastair »

daelectron wrote:Rally must be one of the most irritating games in the world. Starts off with some of the best monochrome graphics I've ever seen. But I can't get off the first screen. Typing instructions into it takes an age and the responses flash by in a second.
I can't even get that far as it crashes when I press a key after the "Please insert master disk and press a key" message. Is there a specific DDOS ROM that I should be using, or am I missing something obvious?
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Re: Animated Tunes by Orange Software

Post by daelectron »

It works with SuperDos E6 on xRoar, which is what I just happened to use for some reason.
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Re: Animated Tunes by Orange Software

Post by Alastair »

daelectron wrote:It works with SuperDos E6 on xRoar, which is what I just happened to use for some reason.
Thanks, it does not work with DOSplus 5.0 but I have since tried it with DragonDOS 1.0 and it works this version.

I have EXITed the CAR (after OPENing the DOOR) and found that you can move around with the arrow keys. The car still has me stumped.
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