Shape Up by Dragon Data

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Shape Up by Dragon Data

Post by daelectron »

I picked this up on eBay a few days ago. However it seems as if a small portion of the cassette is corrupted. Side A shows the loading screen then craps out, Side B craps out as the loading screen is loading.

Here's wavs of both sides. Hopefully someone can splice the two together and make a working version (and convert it to CAS).
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Re: Shape Up by Dragon Data

Post by admin »

I fancy a challenge :D
Simon Hardy
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Re: Shape Up by Dragon Data

Post by admin »

Shape Up (198x)(Dragon Data Ltd)[!].zip
(11.89 KiB) Downloaded 247 times
Simon Hardy
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Re: Shape Up by Dragon Data

Post by daelectron »


Shapes are important in geometry. This program deals with some simple shapes - the square, circle,
triangle and oblong. The aim is to recognise and sort them.

As we move through the games we first sort the shapes, and then make the point that the same shape
can come in different sizes. We next present them various ways up. Children often cannot recognise
a square when it is placed to look like a diamond.

The final game gives them some practice, and they are rewarded when successful, by the picture
coming to life.

The mental process of matching shapes involves making an 'image' in the mind and moving and turning
it. This process is an important one for later work.

Ages: 4-7

Shapes are important in geometry. This program deals with some simple shapes - the square, circle,
triangle and oblong. The aim is to recognise and sort them.

There are four games, all with Mr. Brock, the Badger. In the first, he carries shapes in his truck,
Rusty, and has to deliver them to the right place. In the second game, he lobs big and small shapes
through hoops, as if he is playing basketball. Next, he tries to guess which of 4 shapes a magician
has hidden in a box. Lastly, he builds a train, a home, and a rocket, all of which come to life
when he has finished.

Educational Notes
Children need to name shapes for their mathematics and for language development. In this program we
deal with only four shapes; however, it is important that they do not believe that these are the only
shapes there are. It is difficult on the micro to draw a good circle, and the children will need help
with this shape.

As we move through the games, we first sort the shapes, and then make the point that the same shape
can come in different sizes. We next present them various ways up. Children often cannot recognise
a square when it is placed to look like a diamond.

The final game gives them some practice, and they are rewarded when successful, by the picture
coming to life.

The mental process of matching shapes involves making an "image" in the mind and moving and turning
it. This process is an important one for later work.

Using The Program
To begin, decide what you would like Mr. Brock to do.

1. Mr. Brock works
2. Mr. Brock plays
3. Mr. Brock meets the magician
4. Mr. Brock the builder

Press 1, 2, 3 or 4 and the ENTER key.

Remember, you only press the SHIFT key and backspace key when you want to return to the beginning
of the program.

1. Mr Brock Works
Mr. Brock is driving "Rusty", his truck. The conveyor belt loads shapes onto "Rusty". Mr. Brock has
to drive them to the right pit and dump them.

Look at the pits. They both have shapes in them. Help Mr. Brock dump his shape in the right one. Try
pressing the spacebar a few times to see what happens.

Move "Rusty" to the right pit. If you press ENTER, Mr. Brock will dump the shape.

When you get it wrong, he tries to unload but can't. If you get it wrong twice, he gets fed up and
drives off! An angry shape shows you where it should have gone.

When a pit is full, music plays. Then it is emptied and ready for a new shape.

2. Mr. Brock Plays
Mr. Brock is playing basketball. He has a big hoop and a small one. You can make him move from one
to the other by pressing the spacebar. Try this first.

If he has a big shape you must help him put it in the big basket. If he has a small shape it must go
in the small basket. Move him to the right basket and then press ENTER.

Be careful! If you make a mistake the shape falls back on poor Mr. Brock and knocks him out.

3. Mr. Brock Meets The Magician
The magician has four shapes. When you press the spacebar he magics one into the box. Then he makes
himself disappear.

Mr. Brock is wondering which shape is in the box. Move his pointer by pressing the bar. When you
think he is pointing at the right one, press ENTER.

If you are right, the shape pops out of the box.

If you are wrong, Mr. Brock can have another go. The shape will be cross if you get it wrong twice,
and will bring the magician back when you press the spacebar.

4. Mr. Brock Builds
You can choose Mr. Brock the builder:

1. Drives a train
2. Makes a home
3. Goes to the moon

Press the number you want, and then ENTER.

Mr. Brock has his truck "Rusty" again. When a shape is loaded use the spacebar to move him under
the place it should go. Press ENTER and see it move into position.

If you get it wrong, the shape will fall back with a bump. If you get it wrong twice, the second
bump breaks it up. So be careful!

When the picture is complete, it comes to life.

In All "Young Learning" Programs

Remember: Once you have typed in your response a program will not deal with it until you press
the ENTER key.

You can always return to the beginning of a program by holding down the SHIFT key and pressing the
back arrow key.

Arrow Left
You can rub out anything typed in, before the ENTER key is pressed, by using the arrow left key.

Hand Hovering Over Space Bar
Means: Please press the spacebar to carry on with the program.

Question Mark Symbol
Means: The program did not expect the response it has just received. Perhaps there was a typing
error? In any case, to carry on, just press the spacebar and try again.


The program will run automatically after loading.
Front Cover Inlay
Front Cover Inlay
Shape_Up_000.jpg (306.75 KiB) Viewed 2954 times
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