Flagon Bird

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Flagon Bird

Post by Bosco »


Flagon Bird is a game I've been working on in my spare time in order to learn how to program the Dragon using assembly language.

I noticed many of the older computers and consoles had Flappy Bird clones so I thought I'd do a demake for the Dragon and CoCo.

It's missing sound and a bit of polish here and there but I thought it was far enough along to be worth releasing.

You can use any key on the keyboard or joystick button, (I've only been able to test a joystick via XRoar).

Flagon runs in a frame, even at 60Hz on the CoCo, but means I need to perform more optimisation to fix the outstanding graphical issues.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it.

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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by CaptainNemo »

Great job Bosco! Very nice graphics and good color combinations!
This is going to become a number one hit!
My all-time best score is 2 though -- I can't fly this puppy straight...

I'll test it on a real Dragon tomorrow and report.

Just got past #3!!!
I'm using a long-stroke keyboard here and I think that's something to consider.
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by Bosco »

Thanks! :D

I've been feeling nervous about posting it.

I get high scores, (when I'm in the zone), and low scores too. Hope I haven't made it too frustrating? Or is that the point? LOL

Testing on my Dragon today I was pleased with how smooth the screen update looks. Under PC emulation on a 60Hz display you get a very subtle stutter (when emulating a 50Hz machine).

I've also tried it on my budget tablet using XRoar for Android. Runs a bit slow but still playable.
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by sixxie »

That is brilliant! And the most annoying thing in the world ever, of course ;)

2 is my high score...

Edit: 5!
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by simon »


good job there Bosco.....
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by sorchard »

Really nice! It looks great and has the 'one more go' factor. Just blown my lunch break playing it :)
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by robcfg »

An excellent work!

Difficult as hell (I haven't got beyond 4 :P), but awesome nonetheless!

I really love how you managed to nail the graphics and the scroll.

Maybe some music on the title screen and some effects would have been nice, but does not make the game worse in any way.

Keep up the good work! The Dragon is only warming... 8-)
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by robcfg »

By the way, looking at the game's size, would it be possible to have a rom version?

That would be ultra-awesome, hehe! :lol:
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by Bosco »

Thanks for the great comments! :D
Maybe some music on the title screen and some effects would have been nice,
I cobbled together some last minute music and effects but wasn't happy with them. Hopefully should be back for v1.1. Does anyone have any useful links for coding 6-bit sound?
would it be possible to have a rom version?
Yeah, sure. You'll need to tell me how though. :)
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by robcfg »

I tried creating a rom file with a small loader to copy the game code to the right location and jumping to it, but it seems I need to initialize tha machine first.

Code: Select all

	org 49152
	ldd #3766
	ldx #49178
	ldy #16384
	pshs d
	ldd ,x+
	std ,y+
	puls d
	subd #1
	bne loop
	jmp 16384
	INCLUDEBIN ./flagon.bin
Maybe @Zephyr could help us a bit here.
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