encoder09 integrated with delta dos

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encoder09 integrated with delta dos

Post by cognisant »

Me again. I can't seem to find a ROM of encoder integrated with delta dos (using the /AD command to assemble to a delta disk). I've dug out my original encoder09 source files and added the premier delta dos integration. I assembled it using xroar to memory, saved a snapshot, extracted the relevant 8KB using a freeware programme and created this ROM image (attached). It seems to work fine as a cart-rom2 addition to xroar with the delta dos as cart-rom. Just start it with the exec&He000 command from basic.
encoder09 works with delta dos, using /AD to assemble to disk
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Re: encoder09 integrated with delta dos

Post by zephyr »

Thanks for this. Encoder 09 has always been my favourite Dragon 32/64 assembler. :)

Is there any chance you could do the same integration with DragonDOS?
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Re: encoder09 integrated with delta dos

Post by cognisant »

Hi Zephyr. I don't know the right entry points into dragonDOS, but I have an idea! Do you think it would be fun to try to initiate a kind of mini open source attempt to write the correct patch to integrate encoder09 with dragonDOS? You seem to know the insides of encoder fairly well since, if I recall correctly, you fixed the SETDP bug in encoder09. I guess the reason I missed that is that both myself and the Premier group took advantage of my addition of a SETDP without an argument to disable the SETDP checking. We then used direct page or extended addressing as we wished (keeping track of where the DP was ourselves). Any way I digress! What if I published here the additional source file which sits at the end of the encoder cartridge version I filed a couple of days ago, which shows how encoder is integrated with Delta DOS, but also redirected encoder to use this file sitting in RAM (say at $6000 to get it out of the way while testing). The rest of the cartridge version of encoder will perform as usual, only using the new block of code when the /AD directive is used to try to write assembled code to a disk file. This way anyone on these boards could help to write the DragonDOS compatible extension. Hopefully when complete, I could just reassemble so that the whole thing lies back in ROM.

Is this worth a shot?
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Re: encoder09 integrated with delta dos

Post by zephyr »

cognisant wrote:I don't know the right entry points into dragonDOS, but I have an idea!
Does the attached information file help with your required DragonDOS entry points?
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Re: encoder09 integrated with delta dos

Post by cognisant »

Thanks. That looks really useful. When I've a moment I'll see what I can do.
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Re: encoder09 integrated with delta dos

Post by Alastair »

zephyr wrote:Does the attached information file help with your required DragonDOS entry points?
Under section 11. DOS Rom reference http://dragon32.info/info/drgndos.html has the CHAIN token dispatch address as $d503 whereas DragonDOS information.txt included in the above zip file has the address as $d5d3, which is correct?
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Re: encoder09 integrated with delta dos

Post by pser1 »

according to the info I have, $D503 contains a plain RTS opcode, but $D5D3 is labelled CmdChain
source of information :
; DragonDos 1.0, Copyright (C) 1982, Dragon Data Ltd.
; Disassembled 28/10/2004, P.Harvey-Smith.
; Ported to the Dragon Alpha/Professional hardware,
; 29/10/2004 P.Harvey-Smith.
I attach the file I have got.
hope it could be of help
I have disassembled DOS11C and has confirmed this information

DOS disassembled
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