AUTO (Program for generating BASIC line numbers)

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AUTO (Program for generating BASIC line numbers)

Post by zephyr »

The attached program automatically generates BASIC line numbers on a Dragon 32/64 or Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer 1, 2, or 3. The program is written in position independent code and is compatible with RS-DOS.

The default loading address is at the highest possible start address of $7F4B (Decimal 32587), but the program will work at any suitable memory location. The following BASIC example shows how you can load the program at the lowest possible memory address and protect it from being overwritten by moving the start of PMODE graphics memory up by 256 bytes.

Code: Select all

5 S=PEEK(188)*256
10 CLOADM"AUTO",65536-(32587-S)
20 POKE188,INT((S+256)/256):PCLEAR4
Enter CLEAR200,32587 if you are loading the program at its default address.

I recommend using Audacity 1.2.6 to convert the included wave (.WAV) files to a real audio cassette recording.


EXEC or EXEC:start-line, increment

Puts you into the automatic line numbering mode. "start-line" is the number of the first line you want to enter, and "increment" is the gap you want between successive line numbers. These default to 10 and 1O respectively, so


would start you at line 10, with 20, 30, 40, and so on, following.


would start you at line 100, still with an increment of 10, and


would start you at line 200, with an increment of 20.

Press BREAK or ENTER at the start of a new BASIC line to exit from automatic line numbering mode.
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