Mission Moonbase by Phoenix

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Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:25 pm

Mission Moonbase by Phoenix

Post by daelectron »

This game was donated to me by one Dave M (not sure if any members here know this gentleman, he runs the Retro Software web site and is the Director of Replay Events which puts on retro-themed exhibitions up and down the country). It certainly looks like quite a rare game, I couldn't find any information on the net about it at all!

This time it's a working collection of wav files - it's one of those with an arcade game (Moon Buggy style) and an adventure game on the other side of the tape.

Both of them are here in this archive:


Get 'em quick because the wavs wont be there forever. Hopefully someone can convert them to cas files which are much smaller.

Cover scan to follow.
Posts: 150
Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:25 pm

Re: Mission Moonbase by Phoenix

Post by daelectron »

Mission Moonbase

The Plot
The intergalactic wars began in the year 2042. Almost immediately, our scientists on
Earth discovered that Strontium 98, mined on the moons of Sirus (see Death Mines Of
Sirus (Dragon 32)) was essential to fuel our rockets. Unfortunately, Strontium 98 has
a serious defect; it is unstable and liable to go critical at any time. It can,
however, be stablised at zero gravity and the chemical plant at Moonbase Archimedes
has been set up for just that purpose.

Due to the importance of Strontium 98, you and Captain Phoenix (see The Emperor Must
Die (Dragon 32)) have been chosen to deliver the fuel to Rocket Base Moon. But, when
you get there, you discover that the moon transporter driver has been murdered...

The Action
1. Type CLOADM (ENTER). Press Play on tape.

2. Using the joystick you must steer your buggy from the Rocket Base to Moonbase
Archimedes jumping over holes and any other obstructions and returning the fire from
any Siran fighters you might encounter. At certain intervals, a block will appear
over you. This is a refuelling drone; jump into it and you will refuel - avoid
unnecessary jumping as this wastes fuel and agitates the Strontium 98. If stability
goes below zero, you will blow up.

3. There are bonuses for keeping the stability above 90% and for finishing a skill
level in under a certain time. You reach the end of a skill level after travelling one

4. There are 40 skill levels. At the end of every fourth skill level you will be given
clues which you will need to solve the adventure. There is no way of recalling them
later so you must make a note of them as they appear. When you finally master the
action game (i.e. at the end of Skill Level 40), you will be given the running code
for the adventure cassette.

The Adventure
1. Type CLOADM (ENTER). Press Play on tape.

2. When the program is loaded, you will be asked for the running code you received
at the end of the action game.

3. Commands: N (North), S (South), E (East), W (West), WAIT n (waits for n minutes),
PUT/DROP, TAKE/GET, USE/EXAMINE/SEARCH, INJECT Object (will inject 'Object' into
nearest person if possible), ATTACH Object (will attach object to nearest suitable
position), WEAR, REMOVE, SIT, STAND, TYPE 'MESSAGE' (types 'MESSAGE' on nearest
available keyboard in the room).

Spaceship Commands: SET M/O or SET E/O (sets moon or earth orbit), ARM (arms missile,
AIM Latitude: Longtitude (aims missile - must be at operational height), REP (gives
you status report), SHL (puts ships sheild on), LAZ Latitude:Longitude (fires lazer
blaster - must be at operational height), RAD Channel, Message (sends out message on
given channel), HNG (sends message to hangar control to open hangar doors), LND
(requests permission to land automatically).

4. Joystick Controls.

Left - Decelerate, Right - Accelerate
Up - Jump, Down - Fire Forwards, Fire - Fire Upwards

To operate the superbomb, which destroys everything in the sky, press the Spacebar on
the keyboard.

Dragon User #48 reported the loading code for the Adventure is J18-E99. However, this does not appear to work.

Tape 3
Tape 3
Mission_Moonbase_002.jpg (232.73 KiB) Viewed 2085 times
Tape 2
Tape 2
Mission_Moonbase_001.jpg (229.51 KiB) Viewed 2085 times
Tape 1
Tape 1
Mission_Moonbase_000.jpg (224.16 KiB) Viewed 2085 times
Inner Inlay/Instructions
Inner Inlay/Instructions
Mission_Moonbase_000.jpg (937.3 KiB) Viewed 2085 times
Front Cover
Front Cover
Mission_Moonbase_000.jpg (1.51 MiB) Viewed 2085 times
Posts: 1474
Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:18 am

Re: Mission Moonbase by Phoenix

Post by zephyr »

Here are the converted cas files. The loading code for the adventure is "J18-E99".
(18.63 KiB) Downloaded 220 times
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