Dragon multi-cartridge is back! Version 1.6 for sale

A forum for members to offer for sale any Dragon related items to other members. DO NOT POST LINKS TO AUCTIONS. I will use this forum in the future to offer all my spare games to members of this site before they go on e-bay.
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Re: Dragon multi-cartridge is back! Version 1.6 for sale

Post by robcfg »

Willkommen, Stefan!

The Dragon is a very good machine and you'll be having a great time with it.

PMs are disabled for first time users. If that's the case, we'll be telling Rolf to activate them for you.

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Re: Dragon multi-cartridge is back! Version 1.6 for sale

Post by Hableman »

Hi Rolo,

I have received your PM now, however, I cannot send you an answer on that line, since this feature still seems to be disabled for me. Could you please really ask Rolf for enabling it for me?
In order to accelerate the procedure, you will find still today a certain euro sum on your pay pal account, according to your composed offer, to make it in time as thankfully offered, meaning the complete package.

Thanks a lot so far, :--)

Best regards,
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Re: Dragon multi-cartridge is back! Version 1.6 for sale

Post by rolfmichelsen »

You're both now full members of the forum and have PM capabilities. Welcome aboard!

-- Rolf
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Re: Dragon multi-cartridge is back! Version 1.6 for sale

Post by Hableman »

Merci beaucoup, Rolf!
Stefan de Berlin
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Re: Dragon multi-cartridge is back! Version 1.6 for sale

Post by Rolo »

Easter-Sale 2016 is over :(

All prices are going up! All prices?
No, the price of the multi-cart is going down!

So how much is this thing now?
New price: US$29.99 (plus shipping) or €26.99 (plus shipping)
Usually I'm using DHL's service. Worldwide, registered priority airmail is €6.20 (US$7) at the moment.
I'm still having a small stock of built and tested cartridges left.
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Dragon multi-cartridge to Odyssey2 Extension

Post by Rolo »

:!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
I'm presenting something new:

The Dragon multi-cart to Odyssey 2 Extension
VideopacExtension0.jpg (82.07 KiB) Viewed 45287 times
Make your multi-cart a multi-multi-cart!
MultiCartWithVideopacExtension0.jpg (31.78 KiB) Viewed 45287 times
Look at that:
The Dragon multi-cart is playing games on Philips G7200! Cool?
PlayingSuperbee0.jpg (53.18 KiB) Viewed 45287 times
PlayingQBert0.jpg (65.23 KiB) Viewed 45287 times
PluggedIntoG7200_0.jpg (63.87 KiB) Viewed 45287 times
Also on the G7400:
PlayingKCMunchkin0.jpg (81.66 KiB) Viewed 45287 times
With "PLUS"-graphics:
UFOplus0.jpg (53.98 KiB) Viewed 45287 times
PickAxePetePlus0.jpg (66.66 KiB) Viewed 45287 times
Also working with "THE VOICE" (which is directly built into my heavily modified G7400):
(Note: The cartridge slot of my G7400 is only about 3 cm deep. On a regular G7400/G7000 the cartridge would be immersed deeper.)
WithVoice0.jpg (67.84 KiB) Viewed 45287 times
With the new extension you can use your Dragon-multi-cartridge to play 2k/4k/8k VIDEOPACs on your PHILIPS G7x00/Odyssey 2 systems. One multi-cartridge, two systems! :o
100+ new roms!
You can mix Dragon roms and VIDEOPACs on the same cartridge as you like, i. e.
slot 0 to 40 Dragon roms and
slot 41 to 63 VIDEOPACs and so on.

The best thing: I'm planning to make this available. :lol:
I cannot tell the exact price yet. I'm having problems to get those connectors for a cheap price. Only a few companies are selling those any more. The regular price is very high (depending on quantity)!
I'm aiming at a price range of 12€ to 15€ for a "Videopac-Extension-Cart", but at the moment can't make it, because of component pricing.
I absolutely need to know, if there is any demand for my Videopac-Extension-Carts. Quantity is decisive for the price! If you want one, please post or PM. I'm making a list. First come, first served. Depending on that, I'll make just a few "prototypes" (more expensive) or hopefully can order components for a reasonable price.
Do I have any Dragon Multi-Carts left? Yes, I do have a few sitting on my shelf. I'll be making more, if needed. The project still is alive.
I'm going to post updates from time to time.
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Re: Dragon multi-cartridge is back! Version 1.6 for sale

Post by robcfg »


Does it work with any version of your multicartridge?

I'm interested in one for sure, and asking several friends.

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Re: Dragon multi-cartridge is back! Version 1.6 for sale

Post by Rolo »

Thanks, ;)
it should work with any multi-cart version. I can't test that, because I don't have any of the old versions myself anymore. I'm owning only the current one. But I see no reason, why it shouldn't.
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Re: Dragon multi-cartridge is back! Version 1.6 for sale

Post by robcfg »

Great, thanks!

Make it two for me! Actually one for me and one for a friend, still waiting a couple of answers ;)
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Re: Dragon multi-cartridge is back! Version 1.6 for sale

Post by Rolo »

project update:
I've been testing some random 60+ VIDEOPAC-roms:
  • 2k/4k/8K
  • standard and "plus"-versions
  • with "The Voice" and without
  • G7400 only and "universal"
  • PHILIPS/Magnavox, Parker, Imagic, ...
All are running without problems, except VP31 "Musician" :geek: (You have to get the original one, including the overlay! :D )
Looking fine, but I can't guarantee that ALL are running.

I wrote an email letter to another supplier of those connectors yesterday, beging for cheap components. :oops:

Stay tuned, more to come.......
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