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Dragon Data History Snippet

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:17 pm
by Julian
News story posted on The Register today detailing the first proper "laptop" ... _part_one/

It all gets a bit interesting on page 3...

Re: Dragon Data History Snippet

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:16 pm
by tjewell
Absolutely fascinating! And if you're really quick, you could snap one up too - bidding just got much too rich for me (and frustratingly, I see this item was relisted after failing to sell a few weeks back - I guess the article has piqued someone's interest). ... 0842576207

Re: Dragon Data History Snippet

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:28 am
by sixxie
That is pretty interesting! Nice to know the designers got to pursue further interesting projects.

I guess the 6809 would have been right out for such a device. The 6309 does go low power in SYNC though, so had it been around (not sure of timelines), it might have been a contender.