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Running SuperIDE on the Dragon

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:48 pm
by KenH
I have managed to successfully run SuperIDE from on the Dragon in CoCo mode!

Here is a video demo: (sorry for the poor video
EDIT: Here's a much better video:
The idea is based on Phill Harvey Smith's experiments in running Drivewire
on the Dragon.

Let me be clear on that: HDB-DOS has NOT been converted yet to run on the
Dragon natively.
Without such conversion the Dragon cannot access the SuperIDE compact flash
when operating as a Dragon.

However, the Dragon can access the SuperIDE compact flash virtual disks,
when using modified ROMS that allow it to act as a dual Dragon/Coco
machine. No hardware modification is required, just swapping new Eproms
instead of the Dragon's roms (which are socketed and not soldered, at least
on the Tano Dragon).

Once you swap the roms the process is very simple: turn on the Dragon,
type EXEC to switch to CoCo mode and then type DLOAD to load the dos rom

I have used the roms which were uploaded by Steve (zephyr) to the Dragon
Archive forum (
These roms create a dual boot system. Actually its quad-boot: 1)Dragon
2)DragonDOS 3)ECB CoCo 2 4) DECB/HDB-DOS CoCo2.

The dragoncoco64_ic17_ic18 file has 2 rom images, replacing the Dragon's
IC17&IC18 roms. Using these new roms the Dragon powers up as a regular
Dragon, with DOS/program pak disabled. Type DLOAD to load DOS/program pak,
or type EXEC to switch to CoCo mode.
The concept is similar to Phill Harvey Smith's DragonCoco roms, but include
keyboard remapping in rom, hence no rewiring is required (perhaps losing
some compatibility with programs that access the keyboard directly).

Haven't tried running NitrOS9 L1 on the Dragon with SuperIDE yet, but it
should work. I guess it would require a custom boot disk with the CoCo boot
kernel, superdriver and the rest of the Dragon's modules.


*** cross posted in the CoCo mailist list ***

Re: Running SuperIDE on the Dragon

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:50 pm
by zephyr
That's awesome! 8-) Thanks to your help with the EPROM programmer guide, I will (hopefully) now be able to do the same with my own Dragon 64.

Re: Running SuperIDE on the Dragon

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:24 pm
by zephyr
Is there any chance of recording the YouTube footage again with good quality video?

Re: Running SuperIDE on the Dragon

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:32 am
by KenH
zephyr wrote:Is there any chance of recording the YouTube footage again with good quality video?
I will try to upload a better video tonight.
I have also succeeded in running NitrOS9 on the Dragon with SuperIDE using this method. OS9 boots and runs very fast from the SuperIDE.
I used a CoCo2 NitrOS9 boot CF. The only change needed was to the vtio.dr module that needs to be replaced with the Dragon's vtio.dr to get correct keyboard input.

Re: Running SuperIDE on the Dragon

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:40 pm
by zephyr
Excellent! 8-) Any chance you could upload your custom CoCo2 NitrOS9 build here?

Re: Running SuperIDE on the Dragon

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:48 pm
by KenH
Do you have a SuperIDE?

Re: Running SuperIDE on the Dragon

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:50 pm
by zephyr
No, but I intend to order one if/when the EPROM erase/write hardware arrives. I guess most of the other members here will have at least one SuperIDE unit.

Re: Running SuperIDE on the Dragon

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:23 pm
by KenH
zephyr wrote:Is there any chance of recording the YouTube footage again with good quality video?
Here's a much better video:
Notice how fast NitrOS9 boots from compact flash!
zephyr wrote:Excellent! Any chance you could upload your custom CoCo2 NitrOS9 build here?
Sure. I'm still optimizing the boot list trying to increase available memory. I'll have it uploaded once I have a satisfactory build.

Re: Running SuperIDE on the Dragon

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:28 pm
by zephyr
Thanks Ken! :) BTW, please check the spelling of "Steve Woolham" in your YouTube description.

Re: Running SuperIDE on the Dragon

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:35 pm
by KenH
oops, now fixed.