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Am I being thick?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:09 am
by Rink
How in Crom's name do you load and run a cartridge ROM in Xroar? I downloaded a few from the archive, and after faffing around for a while I decided just to embarrass myself and post the question here. :)

Re: Am I being thick?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:31 pm
by munkeyboy
You load with Ctrl + Shift + L select the .rom image and it should load and start automatically.
Hope this helps.


Re: Am I being thick?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:43 pm
by Rink
Uhhh... weird...

I just get a green screen with Xroar 0.27 on Windows.

Re: Am I being thick?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:10 pm
by zephyr
Cartridge support was broken from v0.25 to v0.27. You will need to use v0.24 or the latest v0.28.1 to load cartridge ROM images.

Code: Select all

Ctrl+I ............ Insert a cartridge.
Ctrl+Shift+I ...... Insert a cartridge, no autorun.

Ctrl+L ............ Load a file (see below).

Loading a file with Ctrl+L autodetects the file type by extension, and
acts accordingly:

 * Disk files (".dmk", ".vdk", ".jvc", ".dsk") are inserted into drive 1.
 * Virtual cassettes (".cas") are attached.  If shift is also pressed,
   XRoar will attempt to autodetect their type and insert the appropriate
   load command ("CLOAD" or "CLOADM:EXEC") into the keypress buffer.
 * Hex records (".hex") will be loaded into memory.
 * CoCo binaries (".bin") will be loaded into memory and started from their
   EXEC address.
 * Snapshots (".sna") will continue from when they were saved.
 * Unrecognised filetypes are assumed to be audio files, and if XRoar
   is built with libsndfile, it will attempt to use them for cassette

Re: Am I being thick?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:23 pm
by Rink
AAAH. I didn't know there was a new build out - will get that and try again.

Cheers Zephyr.

Re: Am I being thick?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:29 pm
by munkeyboy
Sorry, that was me being thick to assume that you were using version 0.24 as I do. I will get the hang of this one day and offer good sound advice on this forum (just don't hold your breath! :shock: ).

Re: Am I being thick?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:54 pm
by Rink
lol. No mate, it was my bad for not supplying that information in the first place. i just assumed I was doing something wrong so didn't think to post which version I was using in my intitial question.