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cas to wav

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:11 pm
by Vato
I'm trying to convert some cas-files to wav-format, so I can load 'em up to my Dragon. I have tried both the DC.EXE from the PC-Dragon II emulator package as well as the CASOUT.EXE from the Coco2 emulator.

I manage to get some wav-files created, but they seem to miss the lead-in header, or at least I can't get them to load, neither on an emulator nor on a real Dragon.

Does anyone have the knowledge to point me in the right direction here?

Wouldn't it be "easy" to add an option to an emulator, so that it could write to a wav-file at the same time it loads from a cas-file?


Re: cas to wav

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:19 pm
by zephyr
Try using FIXCAS.EXE (available here at the archive under Downloads\Tools) on the .CAS files before converting to .WAV with DC.EXE.


Re: cas to wav

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:44 pm
by Vato
Thanks Zephyr, I'll try that!


That did the trick!
Thanks again


Re: cas to wav

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:24 pm
by sixxie
Vato wrote: BTW.
Wouldn't it be "easy" to add an option to an emulator, so that it could write to a wav-file at the same time it loads from a cas-file?
If you try ..., it will rewrite data loaded from cassette to another CAS file, with leaders padded, etc. Then use the cas to wav tool of your choice.

Back when I created that zip, it was quite a lot of hacking to get it to do it, but I've rejigged the interfaces since, and it should be straightforward to turn it into a command line option of the main release of the emulator. I'll try and sort something out soonish!

Re: cas to wav

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:56 pm
by Alastair
Did you try using DC.EXE from this site (like FIXCAS.EXE, also available under Downloads/Tools)? The version on this site has been patched so that FIXCAS.EXE should not be needed (think of it as combining DC.EXE from the PC-Dragon II package with FIXCAS.EXE).

Re: cas to wav

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:13 pm
by Vato

No I used the DC.EXE from the PC-DragonII emulator download. But if there is a patched version available, I'll certainly try that! Thanks!

I have noticed that the FIXCAS.EXE fails on a lot of cas-files. I think I see a pattern where it fails on some of the special loading "systems", like the newer Microdeal loader (the one with the Cuthbert logo). Is this normal, or am I doing something wrong?


Re: cas to wav

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 11:16 am
by zephyr
Vato wrote:I have noticed that the FIXCAS.EXE fails on a lot of cas-files. I think I see a pattern where it fails on some of the special loading "systems", like the newer Microdeal loader (the one with the Cuthbert logo). Is this normal, or am I doing something wrong?
Its normal. You should try TapeMangle for those.

Re: cas to wav

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:40 pm
by admin
Having done several hundred WAV to CAS conversions, and being the person who patched DC.EXE...I have to say that the most reliable method is the patched version of XROAR - its much quicker than DC.EXE and copes with poor quality tapes much better...

I have a new box of tapes waiting to be done with games not already available...

Re: cas to wav

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:18 pm
by Vato
admin wrote:Having done several hundred WAV to CAS conversions, and being the person who patched DC.EXE...I have to say that the most reliable method is the patched version of XROAR - its much quicker than DC.EXE and copes with poor quality tapes much better...
Thanks I'll try the XROAR again. At first try I couldn't get that version to work. I used the same rom-file that works with a newer XROAR, but on the "tapemangle"-version the display only shows a full screen of green "@".
admin wrote:I have a new box of tapes waiting to be done with games not already available...
Well, get on to it then! ;-) (just joking, of course)
