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Dragon ROMS and other noob questions

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:32 pm
by Dragonizer
Hi guys, I was browsing lots of Dragon literature during the last days but I (Dragon noob) still have some questions:

1) Do the ROMs include BASIC and firmware (BIOS)?
2) What is the average data tranfer rate with Dragon disk drives?
3) Did Premier Microsystems just deliver the Delta-DOS on cartridge or was it sold as bundle with disk drive(s)?
4) How many Dragon computers have been sold worldwide during their lifespan 1982-1987?
5) Are there specific information about the distribution in Germany available?
6) What were the most common extensions beside Dragon Plus and Dragon's Claw?
7) Are there infos available about the people (engineers) who actually designed the Dragon computers? Who designed the case?
8) Were all Dragon 64 Computers produced in the US (until Dragon Data went bankrupt)? Were the D64s sold in the US labeled as Dragon 64 or Dragon Tano?

I am looking forward to you replies!



Re: Dragon ROMS and other noob questions

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:22 pm
by zephyr
Dragonizer wrote:Hi guys, I was browsing lots of Dragon literature during the last days but I (Dragon noob) still have some questions:

1) Do the ROMs include BASIC and firmware (BIOS)?
3) Did Premier Microsystems just deliver the Delta-DOS on cartridge or was it sold as bundle with disk drive(s)?
8) Were all Dragon 64 Computers produced in the US (until Dragon Data went bankrupt)? Were the D64s sold in the US labeled as Dragon 64 or Dragon Tano?
(1) Yes.
(3) With floppy disk drive.
(8) The Dragon 64 was designed and originally manufactured here in the UK. The US Dragon 64's were labeled "DRAGON by TANO".

Re: Dragon ROMS and other noob questions

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:29 pm
by zephyr
It is possible that one or more of the hardware experts will be able to answer (2), but I doubt very much that any of the current forum members will be able to answer questions (4), (5), and (7).


Re: Dragon ROMS and other noob questions

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:35 pm
by drag0n
Dragonizer wrote:Hi guys, I was browsing lots of Dragon literature during the last days but I (Dragon noob) still have some questions:

7) Are there infos available about the people (engineers) who actually designed the Dragon computers? Who designed the case?
Dragonizer ... gon_People

Re: Dragon ROMS and other noob questions

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:50 pm
by Sarah
I was slightly tempted to suggest joysticks for (6) but I guess peripherals might not really count. :D

In terms of "extensions" that required the case to be opened up, maybe the D32 to D64 upgrade was the most popular? Though again probably not the answer Dragonizer is looking for... I'm not sure if anything like that really sold in great numbers? My perception is that, in addition to the machine itself, most Dragon owners spent their budgets on software and the means to load it (i.e. cassettes/ROM cartridges/floppy discs and their associated devices) but not much else really caught on to any significant extent?

Re: Dragon ROMS and other noob questions

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:17 am
by Dragonizer
Thanks for your replies!