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Cannot get Xroar to work on my mac - gutted

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:29 pm
by bigbadmacca
Can anybody help me with this please, it wont load the rom so i just get the 'odd' screen.

Re: Cannot get Xroar to work on my mac - gutted

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:34 pm
by zephyr
I'm assuming you are talking about the system ROMs here? I know nothing about MACs. All I can suggest is that you try copying the ROMs from the Uploads section into your XROAR directory.

Re: Cannot get Xroar to work on my mac - gutted

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:44 pm
by Alastair
With Macs the ROMs go in either '~/Library/XRoar/Roms/' or '~/.xroar/roms/' and it could be that the case is important.

Re: Cannot get Xroar to work on my mac - gutted

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:45 pm
by sixxie
Case probably doesn't matter (although Mac OS does give you the option - or did last time I checked - it defaults to case-insensitive), but that does sound like it just can't find the files. Where in the filesystem is your ROM image placed, and what is its filename?

Re: Cannot get Xroar to work on my mac - gutted

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:47 pm
by bigbadmacca

Yes tried these files. I used the Dragon 32 with the .rom extension.

Re: Cannot get Xroar to work on my mac - gutted

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:49 pm
by bigbadmacca

Yes popped the file where it requested it. '~/Library/XRoar/Roms/' New to Mac OS (10.7.3) but I assume the '~' character is just the root directory. I was very careful to follow the same case and I renamed the file d32.rom. I am using the 2012 file which is 16k, is this right?

Re: Cannot get Xroar to work on my mac - gutted

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:37 pm
by robcfg
Hi, I just tested it on Lion and worked just fine on first attempt.

The manual tells to copy the roms files to ~/Library/XRoar/Roms/. That's from the root foldoer of your user (say /users/bigbadmacca).

The only funny thing is that I cannot find the Library folder with Finder (Oh, the irony!), but I could create the directories and copy files from the terminal.

Hope this helps!

Re: Cannot get Xroar to work on my mac - gutted

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:03 pm
by bigbadmacca
Still not working.

The directory user say /bigbadmacca won't allow me to create a folder called Library saying it exists already. I can't see it either. There is a Library folder in the root of the mac i.e. Computer - Macintosh HD...... I created the required structure under the Library folder that exists there.

I was allowed to create a Library folder under the 'shared' users directory bit still no joy.....

Any more thoughts?

Re: Cannot get Xroar to work on my mac - gutted

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:03 pm
by sixxie
~ generally means your home directory - usually /Users/userid on Mac OS.

So ~/Library/XRoar/Roms might mean /Users/bigbadmacca/Library/XRoar/Roms.

Hope that helps...

Re: Cannot get Xroar to work on my mac - gutted

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:05 pm
by robcfg
Well, open the terminal, go to your user folder, and then:

cd Library

mkdir XRoar
mkdir Roms

cd Xroar/Roms

cp path/*.rom .

Where path is the folder where you have your rom files.

That is what I did and it worked just fine.