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The Computavoice mistery

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:05 am
by robcfg

I've been trying to dump my Computavoice tapes, and I've found that even though all the data blocks are correct in the .cas file, the program doesn't start neither on Xroar or a real Dragon.

I've also tested the archive's copy of Computavoice with the same results.

It loads all the data and when it's finished, it just stays there with the message "F VOICE32".

Has anyone found a similar problem? I've tried 20 dumps (one tape has two copies of the program on each side and the other one has three, recorded several times), and checked the integrity of my cas files and the one in the archive, but I cannot get it to start... :?

Re: The Computavoice mistery

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:21 am
by zephyr
This problem is caused by the machine code loading at the top of RAM ($5F60 - $7FFF) and overwriting the stack. Type in "CLEAR200,24415" before loading the machine code.

Re: The Computavoice mistery

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:07 pm
by robcfg
Thanks so much!

I've been struggling with that because I have two Computavoice tapes but no instructions.

So, another one to the bag! I know Computavoice is dumped in the archive but it's overdumped in that it has a lot of extra sync bytes which are not really on the original tape.

I'll be uploading packs of dumps, along with images for their entries in the wiki.

Again, thank you very much!