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Problem with Dragon 200E firmware on Xroar

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 5:30 am
by dragonnostalgia
Well, I go download those roms from your archive, and first of all, they come on weird extensions:
The 1st ROM comes with an ic37 extension
The 2nd ROM comes with an ic34 extension
The external generator comes with an ic1 extension
So, I rename them in a way that makes xroar happy, I go run it, select the 200E in the options... aaaaaaand it doesn't boot.
Instead I get this error screen:
IMG_20190215_012522.jpg (1.43 MiB) Viewed 9275 times
I tried changing the extensions of the files to rom, creating a conf file to specify the roms manually, but still nothing.
Kinda ironic that nobody complained about this until now tbh.
Maybe I am overlooking something obvious?
If anyone can help me it would be really neat.
PD:Yes, I tried renaming the external generator rom to something xroar couldn't detect, but it gave me a different error screen instead, the one with all the @ symbols.

Re: Problem with Dragon 200E firmware on Xroar

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 12:03 pm
by sixxie
I think either you or I have them the wrong way around. This is what XRoar thinks:

d200e_1 ic18_v1.4e.ic34 (32K BASIC)
d200e_2 ic17_v1.4e.ic37 (64K BASIC)

Re: Problem with Dragon 200E firmware on Xroar

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 7:19 pm
by dragonnostalgia
Tried changing that, and it does boot up, I can use the character set for things like Ñs and stuff. One thing I can't figure out is how to do lowercase... The manual says to press SHIFT+0, but I tried that and it just prints out its respective symbol. I also can't seem to do accents.

Re: Problem with Dragon 200E firmware on Xroar

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 8:17 pm
by robcfg
I tried it on XRoar 0.32 on MacOS and Dragon 64 switches to inverse video, while 200E prints the ç character and doesn't switch to lowercase.

Re: Problem with Dragon 200E firmware on Xroar

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 8:34 pm
by sixxie
Indeed - it's changed in the 200E ROM. Shift+Enter is capslock instead.

Re: Problem with Dragon 200E firmware on Xroar

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 8:46 pm
by robcfg
You're absolutely right, thanks!

By the way, what would be the way to use the accented letters and math symbols?

Re: Problem with Dragon 200E firmware on Xroar

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 8:53 pm
by sixxie
I think some in the charset you can't type, some are just shifted other keys. To put an acute accent over a supported letter, the ROM traps shift+7 as a dead key that then accents the next character. Lowercase only, I think. It also doesn't let you type anything other than an accepted character, which is a bit annoying :)

Re: Problem with Dragon 200E firmware on Xroar

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 11:38 pm
by dragonnostalgia
Something interesting I found is that while in the lowercase mode, if you type ?mem it gives ya a result of 0, when it should give ya the rough amount of memory you have available.
This is true in 32K mode:
Captura.PNG (26.78 KiB) Viewed 9244 times
And in 64K mode:
Captura1.PNG (35.67 KiB) Viewed 9244 times
I thought it would just give ya a syntax error, because I tried running EXEC on lowercase and it gave me that exact error.

Re: Problem with Dragon 200E firmware on Xroar

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 8:41 am
by sixxie
That's actually pretty cool - unlike the "stock" BASIC, it seems you can use lowercase as distinct variables...

Code: Select all

 1               2

Re: Problem with Dragon 200E firmware on Xroar

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 5:54 pm
by dragonnostalgia
Huh. I didn't knew that. Looks like Eurohard made some tweaks to this version of BASIC, beyond just adding the character set.