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Dragon Meetup 2018!

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 6:32 pm
by tjewell
Hi all, I'm gauging interest in running another Dragon meetup this year.

Presuming we use the Centre for Computing History again, then the space is available 9th and 16th June. How do those days suit everyone?

What new things do we have to show? I'll bring along my two blinged out systems - 1985 Retro Style, with Compusense DragonPlus, 128K and double floppies, and 2018 Coco Style, with all the add-ons from the US (CocoSdc, mini-mpi, new Orch90cc clone and most excitingly - hopefully - the new 6847 replacement with crystal sharp display!). I'll also have my pair of Brazilian Coco clones, plus all the stuff from last year (Fuzix demo, etc).

I really hope @robcfg will bring the Dragon MSX too, although I know it's a bit of a journey for him!

Also, if it does go ahead, I was wondering about changing things slightly. I felt I didn't get a chance to see all the game and other software demos that people had. I'd like to get the biggest TV the museum has and set it up with a Dragon. Then, every half hour, we set up a different demo on it, maybe get the author on hand to show it off and answer questions. Hopefully this mean we all get to see everything properly this time! Any other ideas to improve it would always be appreciated.

So ... who's around and available and fancies coming along?

Cheers, Tony

Re: Dragon Meetup 2018!

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 10:14 pm
by sorchard
Count me in Tony. Either of those days will work for me.

Should be able to bring a couple of machines. Not sure what I'll be running. Hopefully I'll be able to have a proper nose around what everyone else is doing :)

Re: Dragon Meetup 2018!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:09 am
by Bosco
Hi Tony.

I should be around for either of those two dates.

At present I don't have anything new to show. :( It's been a bit of a fallow time for me of late, overshadowed by my dad's worsening health and eventual passing a month ago.

Tinkering with the Dragon has brought back some fond memories though and I still fully intend finishing `Circe's Island' once I'm back onto an even keel. :)

Re: Dragon Meetup 2018!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:53 am
by Beadle
I will be able to come, I've got nothing of any interest to show and can only make the 9th June, but don't let that influence your decision.

Re: Dragon Meetup 2018!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:21 pm
by robcfg

I'm sorry for your loss.

I'll try my best to attend the meetup so I can give you a big hug!

Re: Dragon Meetup 2018!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 5:13 pm
by Bosco
Thanks Rob.

I feel better already. :)

Re: Dragon Meetup 2018!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:24 pm
by tjewell
@sorchard, @bosco, @beadle, it'll be great to see you all there.

Steve, I never got a chance to see your demos properly last year, so just bring the same stuff again, and it'll be like the first time for me! Plus we're bound to get plenty of people who didn't make it last year coming, and they'll want to see your stuff and talk to you too. Sorry for your loss too.

Stew, it'll be great to see you again too. Bring what you can - and who knows what you might create in the next three months!

@beadle - not sure if we've met - if not, it'll be great to meet some new faces. It doesn't matter at all if you have nothing to show - in fact, you're lucky, because it means you'll be able to get round and see everyone else.

Okay, off to ask the same question on Facebook, then see if we can nail down a date!

Re: Dragon Meetup 2018!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:48 pm
by sixxie
Exploiting the generosity of my brother for accomodation and transport again, either of those dates should be ok (currently!). I've also not really got much done, though I've been working towards an "Anniversary Edition" of Dunjunz - just tidying up some presentation, fixing a bug or two.

Maybe I'll have finally put together an adaptor (that circuit based around the 4066) and can bring some good-ish megadrive gamepads along. But I really hate soldering DIN plugs...

Re: Dragon Meetup 2018!

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 5:32 am
by Beadle

No, we haven’t met. I’m slowly getting back into the world of Dragons after a 34 year break! Hopefully I will be able to come and see all the great things you do with your Dragons. Do you get many turn up?


Re: Dragon Meetup 2018!

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 4:01 pm
by tjewell
Welcome back to the world of Dragons, Simon!

We had a good turn out last year - not sure of exact numbers, but we had the 'classroom' space and we filled it with people and Dragons and there was a really good buzz, lots to look at, lots of people to talk to. We're only a small user group compared with the Acorn and Sinclair fans, but we're friendly and there's still lots of projects underway.